Chapter 11

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"Impossible." this Safar guy answered.

"Safar, I stashed something inside of it. It's important." Ramsey told her friend.

"Okay, okay, uh, good news. It is safe." Safar stuttered.

"And the bad news?" Ramsey asked.

"It is very safe. I sold it to a Jordanian prince living up there, trust fund billionaire. Said he wanted to use it for his supercar." Safar replied, pointing to the top of the tower behind us.

"Now, see, this? This I like . . . billionaire, supercar . . ." Roman started to say.

"What makes it so super?" I asked.

"242 miles per hour, top speed and it's bulletproof." he said, and I won't lie, I salivated a little.

"242 . . . am I the only one aroused right now? It's like . . . you know what I'm saying? Whatever." Rome muttered when no one shared his enthusiasm.

"Where does he keep it?" I asked, thinking of possible scenarios.

"In his penthouse, tower number one." Safar told us.

"Now why in the hell would he keep his car in his penthouse?" Tej asked, the question on everyone's mind.

"He's a billionaire my friend, he can do whatever he wants. Now, tomorrow happens to be the longest day of the year. The prince wants to celebrate it and host a party tomorrow afternoon."

"So you can get us up there right?" Brian asked Safar.

"Sure, but uh . . . not dressed like that." he said, eyeing us all in distaste.

"Yeah, black tie attire wasn't notified to us." I said quickly.

"I can help you all, let me make some phone calls. I shall be right back." he said.

"Do you think this is gonna work?" I asked Dom.

"Safar will get us into the tower and dressed to impress. His contacts are endless." Ramsey said in defense of her friend.

"How much longer is this gonna last?" I whispered, laying my head on Dom's shoulder.

"I wish I knew babe." he replied, kissing my forehead.

"Quiero mi niña, donde vamos a ir después de esto? La casa ya no existe, nuestro hogar está destruido."

"No se amor, we'll figure it out."

"I'm gonna go call Mia and Bree."

I spent a good 20 minutes on the phone with them and it just made me miss my baby all that more. Hearing her cry just about broke my heart, making me cry as well but I have to be strong, this will be over soon and we'll be with our baby. I need to believe that, all of us will go home soon.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Dom asked worriedly.

"She wants her mommy and her daddy, I want my baby Dom. This needs to finish soon." I told him, fighting back my own tears still.

"I know, as soon as possible but I'm not done until Shaw's no longer a threat to my family."

"Do you think we'll be able to get that damn speed drive?"

"We have to, the quicker we get that the quicker I deal with Shaw and we can go home."

"I just wanna go home."

"Why don't you go . . ."

"Nope, I'm not going to the DR. I'd go stark crazy not knowing what was happening, not to say that Mia isn't but I wouldn't be of much use to anyone there. Here I can help, I need to help."

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