Chapter 10

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Everyone got into their respective vehicle, Dom with me, to finally get away from this damn mountain. Dom kept trying to talk to me but I ignored him the rest of the way, still pissed over how stupid this man could be at times.

"You're gonna have to talk to me at some time." he said, carrying a still out Ramsey to a bench by the water when we parked.

"You wanna bet?"

"Kaylee, I know that you have something to say."

"I don't have to say a damn thing and . . ." I started before my voice cracked.

"Baby, come here." He said, pulling me into his arms.

"Don't . . . how could you do that to Aubrey and me?" I asked, fighting back the tears.

"The same way that you got in front of the damn group, even after knowing what the plan was! I will do everything in my path to protect my family." he said.

"Ramsey isn't your family." I argued, walking away from him.

"No she isn't but Shaw being out there is a danger to my family. Most importantly you." he said, grabbing my wrist.

"Not most importantly me." I said.

"Kay . . ."

"No! He put my daughter and my godson in danger, not to mention that he almost put all of us in body bags. My prior knowledge of this man is nothing and it gives us nothing because pretty much everything he said is a damn lie! I wouldn't know how to . . . not most importantly me." I argued.

"I know, I need to make sure that you're safe though. I will do anything to make sure of that."

"Don't you understand that I will do the same for you?"

"I know you will, I know that, it's why I have to beat you to it each time. I can't losing you,Aubrey can't lose you. I love you."

"I love you too damn it."

"You're shoulder bothering you?" he asked.

"A little, I banged about in the car." I told him.

"Go sit down . . . I know you're still mad at me but it makes no sense for you to be uncomfortable too." he said when I opened my mouth to argue.

"Fine but just because it bothers me, not because you told me to." I replied.

"Whatever makes you feel better Kay." Brian said, chuckling at my childness.

"Hey, Hello Kitty's awake." Letty said.

"She don't look like a hacker to me." Roman said while Brian went to check on Ramsey.

"Really, what are hackers supposed to look like?" I asked with Tej agreeing.

"They don't supposed to look like that. I'm just saying, like, you know how they normally wear them little weird glasses that's all crooked and pimples all over their face from drinking soda. I mean trust me, with a body like that, you ain't gonna park it behind a computer." he said with a smile.

"You don't say, sometimes I really have to wonder about you." I told him.

"Look at you, you for sure don't look like no hacker. You look like a Playboy Model, even after having a baby! You hot baby girl!" he said.

"You're a pig and it makes me sad that I've said that to your face more than once." I told him, making Tej choke on his laughter while I walked away to Dom.

"I don't know whether to thank you for rescuing me or kick your ass for throwing me off of a cliff." Ramsey said in an English accent.

"Thank us or kick our ass huh?" Dom asked.

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