Chapter 2

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A:N/ So Im still in the process of editing everything and man does this story need serious editing! Sorry for any mistakes!

Chapter 2

Present Day

Elizabeth P.O.V

I was sitting down under the hill looking at the woods through the electric fence.

I was staring at a blue small bird, he seemed to stare back at me for a while before he flew of going into the deep forest.

I sighed, oh how I wish I could fly too, I would fly everywhere. Paris, Rome, Hawaii you name it, but unfortunately I couldn't.

I smiled as I thought more, I would fly with Ashton, I would take him with me everywhere if I could!

I would make sure he was happy, we would go wherever he wanted too, I didnt care where as long as it was with him then it wouldnt matter, oh if only both of us could get out of here! Everything would be perfect if we were free.

I couldn't help but think how much of an impact he had made in my life. My dad never came back for me and after a year I gave up hope of him returning.

Yeah at first it was horrible, it was a horrible hard thing for me to wake up every morning hoping he would come back for me and then at the end of the day realize I was all alone.

Each day my heart seemed to get heavier and heavier with sadness, I thought I wasnt going to be able to survive in the orphanage.

Mrs.Harrison required a strict routine that I somehow couldnt get used to, no matter how much she scolded me and punished me I couldnt get used to the fact that I was still in an orphanage.

Thankfully Ashton helped me a lot.

I smiled as I thought about him, if it hadnt been for him, jeez I dont know where I would be right now!

Ever since that day in the abandoned room we had become best friends, even more than that, we had become inseperable!

He was the best part of my life honestly.

My smile slowly faded as I thought about him, my dear Ashton, what was I going to do without him? He was almost 18, he would have to leave the orphanage soon, dear God how was I going to survive this hell without him? He was the only reason why I did as I was told!

Speaking of the devil I heard him call out my name "Lizzie!" he yelled from the top of the hill. I couldnt help but smile as I heard his voice and I looked up at him, "Hey!" I waved at him, he grinned and waved back as he made his way to me slowly.

I stared at him as he walked towards me, puberty had done a great job on him, he had gotten pretty cute throughout the years. His light brown hair had turned almost blond but it still had some brown in it, and his eyes were still beautiful as always. He had broad shoulders and a perfect smile that could easily brighten my day or anyone else's.

Jeez, I was almost jealous of him! I still wondered how he stayed at my side throughout these years, I was so plain compared to him!

Oh my cute Ashton, what am I going to do without you, I thought miserably.

I'm going to miss seeing those gorgeous eyes everyday!

I was so deep in thought I didnt see him sitting down next to me until he gave my shoulder a small shake, "Thinking about me again Liz?" he asked grinning.

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