Chapter 7

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Elizabeth P.O.V

My eyes widened as I realized who it was.

The schools hunter!


He was an old fat man who lived off deep in the woods, damn it how could he have forgotten about him? He worked for Mrs.Harrison trading deer and rabbits for money and would do anything for more money.

He was particularly the reason why people who tried escaping got caught!

I gripped Ashton's hand, what were we going to do now?! He would probably recognize us from the orphanage! What two pair of teenagers wandered around in the forest at midnight?

"Well well well what do we have here?" the hunter said smirking widely looking like he had just won something very good.

I think his name was Bob, not that I cared or anything, when we didnt answer he continued, "Well?" he asked raising his eyebrows looking from me to Ashton, waiting for a reply.

"Do you need any help sir?" Ashton asked him politely but his voice was hard and cold.

"What are you two lonely teenagers doing here?" he asked us immediately.

"We're just passing through" Ashton answered back.

I took a peek at him confused and to my own surprise he looked surprisingly calm, but his shoulders were tense.

"Passing through huh?" the hunter repeated looking over at us with suspicion, his eyes stopped on me and he looked at me from head to toe, I gulped and moved a little behind Ashton.

Oh God, I didnt like this at all! How in earth was he going to believe us?

"Yes sir, now if you excuse us we have to get going" Ashton said not caring for a reply, he tugged my hand and we hadn't even taken one step when we heard a click behind us, we turned around and the hunter was raising a rifle to us pointing directly at Ashton's chest.

At the sight of the rifle my heart stopped a little making me gasp quietly, I didnt think he would have a gun, I mentally slapped myself, he's a damn hunter Elizabeth! Of course he would have a gun!

"Dont dare move an inch, or I blow your head off!" he told us still pointing the gun up at Ashton's head.

Now we were really screwed!

"What are you doing sir?" he asked calmly.

I almost glared at him, how could he be so calm? The guy was threatening to kill us and Ashton was calm as a fish!

"I'm taking you back to the orphanage" the hunter said sternly, he had still not lowered the gun.

I swallowed hard feeling my heart sink at his words, it was over, we had been caught just like the rest of the kids that try escaping the orphanage! And now we would have to go back defeated and Mrs.Harrison would most likely give me the worst punishment yet and kick out Ashton.

My life was literally ruined.

"Orphanage?" Ashton asked sounding confused, but I knew him better he wasnt confused at all. He was trying to pretend we weren't from any orphanage.

I almost wanted to tell him not to try, that it was no use.

"I got a call from the orphanage a couple of minutes ago saying two teenagers had ran away, I'm guessing its you guys" the hunter said pointing the gun from me to Ashton sneering widely.

The rifle pointing to us made me freeze even more, and if he accidentally pulled the trigger?

Ashton moved in front of me so the gun was pointing at him only. I tried to move, to tell him to give up, but he held my hand warningly.

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