Chapter 30

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A/N: Heeeeey guys! :) so I just wanted to thank you guys so much for reading this story! It means alot to me so thanks! ^.^ and anyways this one is kind of short but pfff still, enjoy! Lol... Oh yeah and by the way it's been about 2 weeks since Liz and Jake last had sex, just wanted to point that out xP lol okay enough of me talking! Enjoy reading! ;D

 Pic of Ashton on side --> exactly like how imagine him except with blond hair xD

Ashton P.O.V

"Please dont hurt me!" the stupid girl said as I cornered her. I smirked and moved faster to her. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to me "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't" I said speaking evilly. I sniffed her scent and my mouth watered. She smelled delicious! I felt my eyes redden.

 The girl yelped and looked at me with wide eyes. I could practically see the fear in them! I started laughing "Tik Tok....Tik Tok" I said as I waited for a pathetic response.

  "Because I know you're not that cruel" she said quietly closing her eyes, tears slipped down her face. I frowned, I had expected another answer. Usually girls would say something like I dont taste good or they would just simply beg.

  I frowned more "What do you know about me?! You dont know anything!" I said growing angry! I threw her hard against a tree. She slumped to the floor and started to cry.

  " human being is this cruel!" she said eyeing the other two girls I had fed on. Their lifeless bodies we're slumped next to her. I smirked "I'm not a human being...I'm a vampire" I said launching at her.

  My teeth sunk in her neck, it was like biting into soft butter! I sucked on her delicious warm blood. She squirmed in my arms but as I sucked more she moved less. I finished sucking her blood and I let her body slump to the floor next to the other girls.

 I smirked and eyed them. They we're about 15. All of them had been very easy to feed on. One even tried putting up a fight with me! I laughed, they shouldnt have been here in the woods playing around.

  I took out my lighter and burned their bodies. Now that they were bloodless it was easier for them to turn into ash. I watched the burning flame as it burned down their skin leaving only the bones. It took about 45 minutes for the fire to put out. I sighed and left the bones there feeling to lazy to hide them. No one would come to this dark part of the forest. Let the animals hunt on them.

  I walked slowly around the woods with nothing to do. I had already fed and was full, Jessica was out "shopping" and Jace, well I just dint want a lecture from Jace! I dint talk to other vampires, I dint want to get to attached to anyone other than Jace, Jessica and Maximus.

  I went to the tallest tree I could find and climbed it. I climbed easily moving fast and swiftly, it was like if I weighed nothing! I went to the tallest branch and sat there thinking about the girl's words.

  Was I really that cruel? I smirked and answered myself "Of course you are're a vampire" I whispered.

  I looked out the horizon. The sunset looked beautiful. I could feel the warm sun on my skin but as much as I wanted to I would never be warm again. I would always be cold.... cold skin...cold hearted.

  I sighed and closed my eyes, sometimes I wished I could be human again. I growled, I wasnt supposed to have thoughts like that! I should be grateful I was a vampire and not dead!

  But deep down inside me, I missed it. I missed being able to eat anything I wanted. Sure we could eat food but you always had that need for blood! I missed being able to sleep for as many hours as I wanted. When you're a vampire your body only lets you sleep a certain amount of time. For me it was from 2 to 3 hours.

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