Chapter 11

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Pic of Jace ------> mmm hotty ;) haha

Jessica P.O.V

I scoffed as I saw the expression on the girl's face. The color was draining from her face as Maximus words hit her. It was true, we were vampires and I was proud of it. Vampires are beautiful powerful creatures.

 We rule the nights!

"Vampires?" she asked quietly but we could all hear her perfectly. Our ears designed to hear anything even a small baby bird flying.

Thats how we had found them we had been hunting. Jace and I were on a hill hunting for the deer while Maximus was hunting bears.

We were almost done hunting when suddenly we all heard it. A scream so piercing it scared the animals away. I sighed loudly probably another human getting eaten by one of us. Then the strong smell of blood filled my lungs. It made my mouth water and I stopped taking in air. We could survive without oxygen we were just used to breathing.

 "Did you hear that?" Jace asked.

I rolled my eyes "Duh!" we had all heard the screams of help, some stupid human was probably being chased by a bear or something.

"Should we go check it out?" Jace asked Maximus who nodded silently.

We all began to walk into the woods, following the smell of blood and I couldnt help inhaling another airful. It smelled wonderful! I picked up my pace and was now leading when we heard the same voice screaming, desperate please of help but what made me slightly confused was that there was no animal near.

I pushed myself past the trees and saw a young girl probably 18, with another young man on her lap. Not exactly what I had been expecting to find.

I stared at the girl as she stared back at me before doing the same with Jace and Maximus.

I smiled, I was used to this shock from humans. We were beautiful, but I felt a sudden envy towards this human. I knew she was human. I could hear her heart beating way too fast for a normal heartbeat and I could hear her blood flowing in her veins.

She was very pretty. Long dark brown hair and her eyes were a light green. Her right cheek a bit redder than the other one but what shocked me a bit was her skin. It was almost identical to ours, but hers had blood flowing and it made it a bit darker to ours, I had to admit she was very pretty for a human.

 I decided to ignore her please for help and I was suddenly reminded by the smell of blood why were here. The young man on her lap was almost dead. The side of his stomach all bloody. He looked pale and I could probably guess he was about to die any minute from now.

Too bad I couldnt have him.

I turned to see the girl laughing like a maniac. 

She was holding her side as she was laughing more and wincing at the same time. She probably had a broken rib. I could hear the blood not flowing correctly in that area. My mouth started to water again with the thought of her blood.

Maximus gave her a quizzical look and shook her hard making her wince. He looked down at her "Do you not believe me?" he asked her, his voice holding an elegant tone that would make you think he is from royalty.

She shook her head "You guys.. you guys are so funny! For a second I thought you werent joking!" she said catching her breath.

I rolled my eyes at her, humans are so....weird! This one had lost it!

I saw Jace staring at her intently, and I felt hate towards her. Jace never acknowledge someone but here he was staring at the crazy girl like if she were a goddess! I knew she was pretty but not prettier than me! I was the most beautiful vampire in our pack.

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