Chapter 20

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Elizabeth P.O.V



I woke up that night with a pain in my chest, groaning I sat up. I felt as if someone had attacked me with a hatchet and left it in my chest.

I looked at the clock. It was 4 in the morning.

I sighed, I was wide awake now. I stood up and went to the window. I opened it and inhaled the air. It was a warm night. I bit my lip thinking of Jake, he surely didnt like talking about Jenifer.

I understood him in a way, she had hurt him and cheated on him. I couldn't imagine myself in his place.

If Ashton had cheated on me and left me I would've been totally crushed I sighed again trying to stop thinking of Ashton. He....he was gone.

I thought of something else before I made myself depressed, I hoped Gericho didnt get in a lot of trouble! I really needed to stop blurting out things!

I felt the pain in my chest increase.

I groaned internally, where were those painkillers Cynthia had given me? I decided I would go to the hospital room and look for some. I left my room and went down the hall to the hospital room. I turned on the light squinting as the bright light blinded me for a few seconds.

I took a little box of painkillers and grabbed two. I slipped out of the room and walked down the hall.

I stopped in front of Jake's room and looked at it, before I knew what I was doing I found myself openingn the door. I didnt really know what I was going to do, I simply had the urge of coming into his room for some strange reason.

 I looked at his bed, maybe I could take a little nap in it. It's not like he would find out right? He was away in Canada doing god knew who.

At the mention of him in Canada my chest started to hurt more. I bit my lip feeling a bit upset, Jake hadnt even say goodbye, he didnt tell me how long he would be gone. I didnt want to admit it, but I didnt feel safe without him.

I sighed again, I missed him being here, even if he was mad at me. His prescence made me feel safe for some reason.

I went to his bed and got under the covers when my chest started to hurt more. I laid in the middle of his giant bed and  wondered if Jenifer ever slept here. 

Come on Liz dont think of her, you're not supposed to be thinking of her, I reminded myself.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Jake's bed and sheets. They smelled like him, cologne mixed  with woods. I took a long deep breath, for some reason the pain in my chest decreased.

I opened my eyes gulping, what was I doing here? In Jake's bed smelling his sheets! I felt like a creep!

I was a creep! Who did this? Climb into someone else's bed?

Just stay here, whats the problem, my brain told me. He wont know, no one will.

I sighed, a little nap wouldn't hurt anyone, I could wake up in an hour and go back to my bed. Besides I was already too comfortable to move. Like those times when your all relaxed and comfy in the couch and the remote control is too far away and you're too lazy to get it, yeah I felt like that. I closed my eyes and snuggled into the bed. One hour, that's all I would stay here, one hour......


I woke up again with Sandra yelling. "Come on sleepyhead! Time to get up!!" she yelled. I groaned, what time was it? I opened my eyes and sat up gasping as I realized where I was.

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