Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ashton P.O.V


 "Lizzie!" I yelled as I saw her sitting down at the bottom of the hill.

"Hey!" she smiled and waved up at me.

I felt myself grin back at her like an idiot, jeez thats where she had been! I had been looking for her for at least 20 minutes!

I made my way down to the hill wondering what she was doing over here?

Once I reached her I sat down and shook her shoulder gently "Thinking about me again Liz?" I teased grinning.

 "Yeah Ashton how'd you know? You're on my mind all the time!" she grinned.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, she was too cute sometimes, "What are you thinking Liz? What are you doing here all by yourself? You know I've actually been looking for you everywhere!" I told her, she turned to me and gave me a weak smile.

My stomach slowly sunk as I saw her eyes, oh no, she was sad and was trying to hide it, I could tell by that too familiar look on her face.

"I....well..." she stopped glancing away, I automatically stiffened. I hated how she tried putting on an act for me, hiding what she truly felt, I could always tell thought, Lizzie was like an open book sometimes!

I really hoped she wasnt thinking about me leaving, we agreed we wouldnt think about that! I stared at her expectantly praying she would give me an answer about anything else other than my departing.

"I was just thinking how much I'm going to miss you when you leave" she replied making my heart slowly sink also.

I cleared my throat and sat up, I hated to talk about this! "Hey Liz, dont think about that alright? I thought we agreed not to talk about it" I frowned.

"I know...we did but-"

"But what?" I interrupted.

She got a hurt look on her face that made me swallow and feel like a prick, I had to remind myself that this situation affected her more than it affected me!

Elizabeth was always my first priority in everything, I might as well say she was my life! And the fact that I had to leave in three days and abandon her here just like her dad had done was like torture to me! I couldnt believe that in three days I was going to have to go!

 "Ashton I'm.....going to miss you so much" she finally whispered.

"Can we not talk about this Liz?" I sighed, I hated this topic, it just made things harder!

"We have to sooner or later" she whispered back.

"We still have some time," I pointed out.

"Three days isnt a long time," I saw her gulp.

"We'll think of something" I frowned, there had to be a way! A way for us to stay together! There was no way I was going to leave her alone here! Over my dead body! Liz needed me just as much as I needed her!

"'re leaving, its final there's nothing we'll be able to think of!" she said, the sadness evident in her tone.

I shook my head stubbornly, "There has to be something, someway I can stay" I stated.

"There is no way-" she shook her head but I shushed her and put a finger on her mouth, "Shh, just...shh!" I said, I had to think about this, there had to be a way we could both be together!

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