Chapter 36

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Hi guys, another chapter. Watch out for the p.o.v it changes twice so sorry if it gets you confused. But anyways enjoy reading. <3

Jake P.O.V

 Screaming, I heard screams echo in the place I was at.

 I felt tired, as if I hadnt slept for days and all my body wanted to do was sleep.

 I heard more screams... I concentrated hard on those screams trying to wake up and I realized it was Elizabeth who was yelling!

 I panicked, her screams sounded so painful! I made an effort to wake up but the more I tried to open my eyes the heavier they felt.

 I concentrated hard and tried to find my wolf, but I couldnt. It was like I dint have a wolf!

 I groaned and I heard Ashton yelling...Ashton!

 I tried waking up more now that I remembered what had happened!

 Jace giving me a shot with something that made me fall asleep, next thing I knew I was tied to a chair with Carlos and the vampire girl watching me.

 As much as I tried I couldn't untie myself. I couldnt find my wolf at all! I had no strenght.

 As much as I yelled at them they wouldnt tell me what was going on or where Elizabeth was the vampire girl had said Ashton would bring her soon.

 Then Elizabeth was brought by Ashton and I could feel my anger boiling as he grabbed her harshly.

 I hoped that fucker hadn't hurt her! If he did I would make sure his death was slow and painful for even thinking about laying a finger on her!

 I heard more screams come from Elizabeth. Her cries were making me wake up more. I groaned and moved gently. My whole body felt numb! Whatever shit they shot me must be strong!

 How long had it been since I was put to sleep?!

 I stirred more feeling a bit of my wolf come alive.

 WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?! He thought angrily. I sighed, yup I could definitely feel him more!

 I tried opening my eyes, Elizabeth's screams were getting more worried by the second!

 We have to protect our mate! My wolf said sick with worry.

 I know! If only this numbing thing would go away from my body!

 I moved more concentrating hard on the things around me. Elizabeth's screams were encouraging me to wake up.

 "I MUST FEED ON HER!" I heard the vampire girl scream.

 Feed on her? I thought... did she mean..feed on?


 I opened my eyes flinching from the cold breeze I felt.

 I moved more groaning, my bones felt really asleep!

 I grabbed my nose, it had stopped hurting a couple of minutes ago. Thank god I was a werewolf and I could heal fast, if not I'd be covered in bruises!

 Those vampires really beat the crap out of me!

 I blinked more focusing my eyes on Elizabeth, .

 I blinked again, my head was throbbing! I closed my eyes feeling sleepy again but I tried to stay awake. I had to protect Elizabeth no matter what!!

 I opened my eyes again slowly to see her screaming and crying.

 She was on the floor, curled in a ball, crying hard and holding her side with pain. I bit my lip, the sight made my heart ache for her! I wanted to go over there and protect her.

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