Chapter 31

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This one is a long chapter! Hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the mistakes! Enjoy n.n

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I ran to the bathroom just in time! As soon as I put my face over the toilet I started to throw up my breakfast. I groaned and sat down on the floor. Stupid rancid waffles! I would never eat them again!

  Pfff that's what you said the last 4 days! A tiny voice said inside me. I closed my eyes, it had been true. The last week I had been throwing up my breakfast. But I just couldn't stop eating! I was so hungry all the time!

  I pulled my knees to my chin feeling a headache coming! Tears stung my eyes, I wanted Jake to be with me! Stupid work! I sighed and washed my teeth. After doing that I looked around. There was nothing to do at all! I sighed going over to the empty bed. I laid down and thought of my Jake. What was he doing now? Did he miss me just as much as I missed him? Probably not! I felt an empty piece of my heart missing.

  When would he be back!? It had already been 2 hours since he left!

  I whined loudly and closed my eyes. I was so bored! I had nothing to do!

  I went downstairs and into the living room turning on the tv. No one was home except me. Cynthia was at work, Sandra was in town, and my Jake was training wolfs. I should've gone with him!

  I flipped through the channels getting bored by the second! There was nothing interesting to watch. My stomach grumbled and I got up grinning eagerly. I wanted to eat something!

  I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I looked at all the possibilities of food! I grinned and grabbed a yogurt. I closed the fridge and went back to the living room eating my yogurt happily. As soon as I sat down I craved something else. I looked at my yogurt, I had barely eaten 4 spoon fulls.

  I got up and walked back to the kitchen. I opened the fridge again and decided I would make a bowl of ice cream. I looked at the ice cream, there was only cookies and cream but I wanted chocolate! I groaned and grabbed cookies and creams.

  I made a big bowl of ice-cream with chocolate syrup and a cherry. I started eating it eagerly walking back to the living room. I sat down feeling very comfortable. I smiled and flipped through the channels again deciding I would watch a movie called Titanic. It seemed good and the main actor was cute!

  In the middle of the movie I got hungry again. I groaned and paused the channel, I know weird tv! I went to the kitchen again looking around for something to eat. 

  "Want me to prepare you something Luna?" Beatrice said behind me. I jumped a mile and yelled. "Sorry Luna"  Beatrice said vowing. I smiled "No, it's okay, I was distracted" I said looking for something to eat.

  "I can make you a salad?" Beatrice said going to the fridge. I scrunched my face "Can you make me pasta?" I asked sweetly. Beatrice laughed and nodded "Of course Luna, whatever you want" she said going to the cupboards.

  I looked around for some cookies to munch on while my pasta was cooking. I was on my 4th little packet when I noticed Beatrice staring at me. I reddened "What?" I asked. Beatrice shook her head "nothing Luna, it's just that...never mind" she said smiling politely and going back to the stove.

  "No tell me" I insisted. She sighed "It's just that you usually dont eat much Luna" she said quietly.

  I reddened more and chewed my cookie uncomfortably. "Oh okay" I said quietly leaving the kitchen.

  I wasn't eating alot! I usually ate this much so I dint know what was different! I shrugged and went back to watching the movie.

  The whole house filled with the delicious smell of pasta. I sniffed the air feeling hungry again. I couldnt wait to try that pasta!

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