Chapter 38 Epilogue

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Hey guys last chapter here. Hope you enjoy it ^___^ , make sure you read the authors note at the end of the chapter. Thank you so much for those of you who dint give up on reading this story. Love you all and enjoy reading. :)

 This is how I imagine Lizzie's dress ----->

   ... (ooopsss! Big spoiler alert hahaha)


Jake P.O.V

I played with my stupid tie more. I couldn't keep still! All I wanted to do was see my princess already!

 "Would you stop that Jake?" Gericho told me for like the tenth time. I sighed and looked at him "Sorry sorry! I'm nervous!" I said playing with my tie again. Gericho looked at me amused and slapped my hand "Leave it alone already will you?" he said fixing my tie.

I sighed and looked over all of the people of my pack sitting down in the chairs. They were all talking excitedly and looking at the decorations. I gulped, maybe it had been a bad idea to invite all of my pack today. Oh well too late now! My wolf thought feeling slightly nervous.

 "Oh honey, you look so handsome!" My mom told me walking to me and fixing my vest. I chuckled "Thanks mom" I told her eyeing her dress. She looked beautiful in her green dress, it matched her eyes, her hair was neatly done in a fancy bun. She smiled up at me and hugged me. "I'm so happy for you son!" she said kissing my cheek.

 I kissed her forehead "Thank you Cynthia" I told her. She pulled back and looked at me with tears in her eyes "Honey.. I just want you to know, that if you ever need me, I'll always be here for you guys. And that... you make me so proud!" she said, a few tears slipping down her face making me get a knot in my throat.

 "Come on mom, nothing had even started and you'r already crying?" I joked trying to loosen up a bit. My mom laughed "I know I know, but Im very serious Jake. I'm very proud of you" she told me kissing my cheek again. "Thanks mom" I told her smiling.

 "Come on Cynthia stop crying you'll mess up your makeup!" Gericho said laughing. My mom nodded "Oh crap your right!" she said smiling at us. She fixed Gericho's hair and he cringed "Cynthia stop! You'll mess up my hair!" he said pulling back. I laughed and shook my head, Gericho could be such a little kid!

 I looked down the aisle filled with roses and gulped. How much longer would it take for me to see Lizzie?

 My mom patted my arm "Are you nervous honey?" she asked. "No!" I lied quickly plastering a smile on my face. But my mom and Gericho laughed "Is that why your sweating bullets?" Gericho said looking very amused. "Im not sweating!" I said horrified wiping my arm on my forehead which made Gericho laugh harder.

 I chuckled and punched his arm "Liar!" I told him fixing my hair again.

 "You look fine dear! Stop fidgeting" my mom told me smiling at me.

 I sighed and looked at all of the people "Remind me again why we invited the whole pack?" I whispered to Gericho feeling my stomach clench. He chuckled "Because none of us wanted to miss the wedding of our greatest alpha!" he responded.

 I saw Sandra approaching us and she smiled eagerly. She looked very beautiful in a dark purple strapless dress. "Hey Jake, you ready to get married?" she asked kissing my cheek.

 I nodded "I was born ready" I joked again. Sandra laughed "Okay good because we are about to start" she said grabbing my moms arm and dragging her from the pulpit.

 "Oh lord! Already?" my mom said as she went with Sandra.

 I gulped again, my throat had suddenly went dry! Gericho chuckled "Calm down Jake" he said hearing my fast heartbeat. I nodded and smiled nervously. "Fuck! I should've had a shot of something! Whine or Tequila... it wouldnt have mattered!" I said to Gericho wishing I had. It wouldve at least calmed my nerves!

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