Chapter 21

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Elizabeth P.O.V


I woke up again by the major pain in my chest.

I was struggling to breath now as I sat up I looked at the clock.

It was midnight.

I sighed wondering when Jake would come back already. It had only been a day that he left but I missed him already.

Pathetic huh? I missed a guy I barely knew already!

I stood up and grabbed a couple of painkillers. I yawned and decided some fresh air would help me breath, I stood up and opened the window looking out at the woods, they looked so calm, so fresh.

 Maybe a little walk in the fresh woods would help me breath better?

Well why not, I thought to myself deciding I would go outside, I really needed some air.

I changed into some jeans and a red shirt. I slipped on some sneakers and headed outside.

 I winced as pain stroked my chest again almost making me double, the painkillers weren't doing a very good job!

I went to the kitchen quietly and unlocked the door.  As I stepped outside a cold breeze hit me making me shiver, it was very cold outside for some reason. What the hell!? It had been hot a couple of hours ago!

I groaned and closed the door deciding I needed a sweater. I could feel the goosebumps on my legs and arms already and I knew I wouldnt make it pass the trees if I wanted to take a walk.

I went back to my room, the whole house was quiet making it almost eery.

I went into my room but noticed I didnt have any sweaters or jackets! I had a lot of summer clothes. Darn! Maybe Sandra could let me borrow one? Her room was at the other end of the hallway. I walked out of my room taking my cell also just in case.

I stopped outside her door biting my lip, this was a bad idea!

She would probably think I'm running away or something!

I shook my head and backed away from her door quietly hoping I wouldnt wake anyone up! I went back to my room and Jake's room caught my attention.

Hmmm, maybe he had a hoodie or something I could wear.

He wouldnt mind, at least I didnt think he would. He was in Canada right now! I dont even think he'd notice, hopefully he didnt take all of his sweaters.

I stepped into his room and went to his dresser. I felt like a creep going through his clothes, but I ignored the little voice inside of me which questioned what the hell I was doing.

I didnt find anything in his dresser and I huffed with frustration. My chest started hurting more and I hurried to check the last of his drawers.

I didnt find a sweater, but I did find a picture. Curiosity got the best of me and I grabbed it going to the window.

It was dark in here so I couldnt see who the picture was of. I looked at it through the moonlight.

It was a picture of a young Jake and a young girl. He was smiling happily while the girl looked somewhat annoyed. I had never seen her before. Was she one of his family members? I turned it around "Love and I, 17th birthday" it said.

I gasped and turned it back around, that was Jake's old mate!

 Now that I looked at it, Jake was dressed nicely and so was the girl. She was the total opposite of me! She had dark short hair to her shoulders while mine was brown and long. Her eyes were light brown, her skin was tan, she was almost as tall as Jake, and she was skinny.

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