Chapter 18

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A/N: Another Chapter, careful the p.o.v changes in the middle. Enjoy reading n.n

Jake P.O.V


As soon as Sandra went out the room I followed her grabbing her wrist and pulling her into my room. I was beyond embarrassed! Liz probably thought we were a bunch of crazy people! Which we were in a way I guess, firstly we were wolfs, secondly I was an alpha and thirdly...well I didnt know more.

As soon as I entered my room Lizzie's scent hit me. My whole room smelled wonderful! I smiled but then remembered I was here to shout at my weird sister!

"What the hell was that about Sandy?" I asked her angrily. Sandra widened her eyes "What do you mean Jake?" she asked in her innocent sweet voice.

"I mean what the hell was that back in Lizzie's room?" I asked her sitting down on my bed putting my hands on my knees.

"Oh please Jake stop worrying! Lizzie loves me already I can tell and- WOAH! What happened to your TV?" she asked. My head snapped up and I groaned as I saw my t.v and computer. They were shattered and my computer was really really broken!

Ugh I really needed to control my wolf more. I used to have complete control of my wolf before Lizzie came.

"It's nothing" I answered Sandra, she looked at me with suspicion and with a raised eyebrow. She came and sat down next to me putting her arm around my shoulder. "Jake whats wrong with Liz? You know we can talk about anything right?" She said sympathetically.

"Nothing is wrong Sandra" I sighed. I didnt want advice from my younger sister. I needed Gericho!

"Jake something isn't right here. I saw Liz, she looks...scared of you!" she said and I groaned. I didnt want Liz to be scared of me. I wanted her to feel loved and safe, something she probably doesn't feel!

"We'll take later, right now I need a couple of drinks!" I said standing up and going to my dresser. I decided I would go out and get some air.

"Shouldnt you be with Elizabeth?" Sandra asked me. I sighed "Yeah, I'll only be gone a couple of hours" I answered.

"Okay whatever you want brother" Sandra said standing up and leaving.

"SANDRA! Wait!" I called to her. She stopped and looked at me "What?"

"If you call Elizabeth "babe" again I swear I will tell everyone about the time you fell with the old man!" I told her chuckling at the memory. Sandra and I had been in a bar and she got drunk really fast. She started dancing with some old guy and she fell on top of him. It was the most hilarious thing ever!

"Oh please Jake! Thats what I call all of my friends! And for the record, I was drunk! When are you going to let it go?!" she asked.

I shook my head smiling "Never! And you can call your other friends like that, not Liz! It makes you sound lesbo!" I told her searching for a nice shirt to wear.

"Whatever you want alpha" she said laughing and closing my door. I sighed, I knew she wouldnt stop calling Liz that. Truth was I wanted to be the only one who called her that.

I grabbed my phone and called Gericho. After 5 rings he answered. "Sup?" he sounded sleepy.

"Have you been sleeping lazy head? Its almost 7!" I asked chuckling. Gericho always took naps in the most randomest times.

"No, no of course not. I was just uhhh you know..anyways whats up Alpha?" he asked clearing his throat. "Lets go out to a bar, I need a couple of drinks" I told him hoping he wasnt busy.

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