Emily I'm sorry.

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Matt's POV

I was terrified about what's would happen to Emily. She only had a month. Today was the first day in almost a week I have been out of my room. I decided to visit Emily. I knew this was going to be hard but I bad to work throughout it. Emily needed me.

When I got to the hospital I walked up to Emily's room.

"Hey em I know you probably can't here but I love you. I love you more then anything. I tried to give you the world but I failed and I'm so sorry. When you wake up I will love you like I never have before. Because Emily Grier you are my world. You are my special princess and I love you more and more each day if that's even possible ." I was crying. I got up and gave her a kiss on the lips and walked out of the room. I got in the elevator walked out to my car when all my feelings just came out.

Emily's POV

I could hear everyone around me but I couldn't move or talk or wakeup . What Matt said broke my heart. So in my head I prayed that I would get better because Matt gave me a reason to live.

Dinas POV

I heard that Emily tried to commit suicide. I broke I was always jealous of Emily. She was perfect she had amazing brothers all the guys liked her. Her hair wasn't died  or bleached like mine. Her family wasn't going bankrupted like mine. She was talented. I've missed school all week and all I do is cry. I feel so bad.

I decided on writing an apology letter.

     I know you hate me but maybe once you get better that can all change. I'm so sorry for the way I have treated you. The truth is I'm jealous of you. I'm being totally honest with you.
There are some things that people don't know like about how my family is loosing our house. How my brother committed suicide but we said he was in a car accident..
                Could you ever forgive me?


I sealed the letter and sent it to her. Maybe I could change for the better.

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