Hate To Admit it..

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I hated seeing Matt and Mary together. It broke my heart but I have Taylor now. I laid on my bed and turned on Stay With Me by Sam Smith.

I wrapped my arms around my pillow and cried. What am I doing. I liked Tay but apart of me still loved Matt.

"Hey Em I have some people that want to meet you." Nash says knocking on my door.

I wipe my eyes and my nose. And open the door.

"Em Have you been crying?" Nash asks

"Um no I'm fine?" I say but it comes out more as a question.

He hugs me and brings me downstairs. Sitting on the couch was Shawn Mendes. THE FAMIUS AMAZING SHAWN MENDES WHO IS  SO FREAKING HOT!

"Thanks." He says laughing.

"Shit did I say that aloud?" I asked

"Haha Yea " He says hugging me.

"Lets Go get icecream!" Nash shouts

I called Taylor and told him to meet us at Kohr Bros.He agreed.

When we got there Taylor was sitting inside on his phone. When he saw me he got up and kissed me.

"I didn't know you were dating Taylor." Shawn whispers to me sounding upset.

For the rest of the night we just hung out at our house and watched movies. Taylor decided to stay the night he slept in my room and Shawn left and went to his hotel.

I woke up the next morning  with Taylors arms wrapped around me.

Okay So that's all I could get done. I  currently at the hospital with for poppop. He is really sick. I know I need to update more but its just so hard because my poppop always said I was an amazing writer and writing just brings back all the memories I have had with him 

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