Chapter Six: Back To School

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Jack and Shawn laid on the floor, they made a foolish decision taking on Moloch. They were both awfully hurt.

Waldo was back in his physical body. He was amazed that Shawn and Jack were still alive.

"Hello loser!", said Shawn.

"What the heck were you thinking?!", said Waldo.

"I was thinking about taking on Moloch, stupid!", said Shawn.

"I know that! That was a rhetorical question!", said Waldo.

"At least Shawn and I agreed on something for once!", said Jack.

"I would be sad if Shawn died, but I would be devastated if YOU died, Jack! Jack, you're the Chosen One, the only one who can stop Nousaurong from ushering chaos upon us! If you go, we all go! I can't have the Chosen One die before he even becomes the Chosen One! You two okay?", said Waldo.

"My everything hurts! OW!!!!!", whined Jack.

"He's a loser! He ain't some hero! I am fine!", said Shawn.

Shawn slowly got up, but stumbled.

"So you're able to stand?", said Waldo.

"Yes," said Shawn, who was trying hard to hide his pain.

"Good, then that means you can withstand this!", said Waldo.

"What?", said Shawn.

Waldo punched Shawn in the gut.

"That!", said Waldo.

"OW!!! That hurt, idiot! I AM SUPER INJURED, YOU KNOW!!!!!!!", said Shawn.

"I knew you were lying!", said Waldo.

"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO MAKE IT WORSE!!!!!!", said Shawn.

The Zar Voyager landed on the ground. The hatch opened and everyone approached the three Zars.

"Oh my Exzar! Are you hurt!", said Witchdoctor.

"Ya think?!", said Shawn.

"I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!! SOMEONE MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!!!", said Jack.

"Here, I got this," said Firestar.
Firestar's hands were glowing with fire.

"ARE YOU GONNA BURN ME?!!!!!", screamed Jack.

Firestar touch Jack's body with the fire. Instead of burning Jack, the fire actually healed him up.

Witchdoctor used her magic powers to heal up Shawn.

"Whoa! I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!", said Jack and Shawn, in unison.

"Well, I am the Shield that Never Breaks," said Witchdoctor.

"And I am great at burning away wounds! That's a little joke I was dying to try out!", said Firestar.

"You're a lot stronger than you are tall! Small but strong!", said Jack.

"Did you know that most people in my race are actually 9 feet tall. I am the smallest of my race," said Firestar.

"Thank you Witchdoctor and Firestar. You know, since Resizagirl and you are the Power Sisters. I'm gonna call you and Witchdoctor the Healer Sisters," said Waldo.

"Thank you guys so much!", said Jack.

"Anyways, what are we gonna do now?", said Resizagirl.

"Let's take the Cult of Nousaurong head on!", said Shawn.

"Yeah, that's not a good choice! We just fought against one Grimoire, and we barely got out with our lives. Imagine seven more of these big bad bosses! I for one want to know what is happening in Spacechase! Since we're right by a school, maybe we can learn about this place!", said Waldo.

"No way! SCHOOL IS GARBAGE!!!!! I just graduated Jumptown High, and now I have to go back to school!", said Shawn.

"Just think of it as Freshmen year of college! I never even went to school, not since 3rd grade!", said Waldo.

"Yeah, I don't want to do homework!", said Jack.

"Relax, SAFE Academy is fun! Best school in Spacechase! You get to choose what classes you get to do, and there's none of this 'homework' stuff you're referring of. I am currently taking Elementor Class, Richurian (English) language, Richurian Theorem, Potions Class, Sorcery, Meditation, History, Fortune Telling, and Gladiatorial Combat. You can take all sorts of interesting classes, from simple mathematics to complex wizardry. Here at SAFE, you have the right to choose. If I were you, I would take History, Elementor Class, Sorcery, Gladiatorial Combat, and Potions Class," said Witchdoctor.

"Well, we do need to learn the history of this place! That way, we'll know about the conflict we're dealing with," said Waldo.

"Is there homework?", said Jack.

"Nope. No written tests, exams, or anything. First, inform Tireasius of the things you'll need," said Witchdoctor.

"Okay," said Waldo.

So Waldo informed Tireasius that he and his team were gonna be staying at SAFE for a while to learn a thing or two. Their first class in the day was History, the second was Potions Class, the third was Elementor Class, fourth was Richurian Theorem (an expert hand-to-hand martial arts class that teaches combinations of karate, jujitsu, and tae kwon do), and the fifth was Gladiatorial Combat (to test people's fighting reflexes).

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