Nicole's Legacy

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"You have to stop crying! Don't show you're weak!" She looked at me in the eye. My eyes where watery, and she grabbed my chin and put it up, then slapped me in the back to make me stand up straight.

"Up straight. Chin up. Shoulders back!" She commanded, I did as she said.

"You have to learn to protect yourself! Hands up!" I brought my hands to my face, she slapped me, and I didn't block.

"That's what I'm talking about! Don't let them hit you!" She hit me on the head, it hurt.

"Show them that you're more than just a bookworm! You're not a loser! You're not weak!" She went for my stomach, I blocked it.

"That's a start. Now learn to punch." She opened up, and I punched in at me, right in the gut, I curl over.

"That's enough for today, practice." She tossed me a pillow and I caught it, "practice on that for now, make your punches stronger." She walked away, into the kitchen.

A couple weeks have passed, and I've been stalling to visit Nicole. But today is finally the day. I wake up and instantly fix my hair up in a ponytail, then change out of my sweatpants and tank top. I throw on some jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt, and roll out.

"You're up early for once." Chloe said, sitting at the table playing with some metal.

"I'm going to visit Nicole, and you're coming too." She smiled, and gave me some food.

"Sure, why not. She was pretty cool to hang around, you know. I wonder what she's like now?"

A few weeks have passed since I've started training with Nicole. I've been able to keep up with her, and she's been happy for me. Today, she patted me on the back. "You're ready. Go show them, ok?" I smile, and nodded at her.

I've gotten stronger in the past few weeks, too. I used to not be able to lift this 30lb bag of rice, but now I can! I've had better reflexes, too, which is good in combat.

The next day, was the worst thing the group of boys did.

My hair was longer then, in a ponytail, when I heard a pair of scissors going off behind me in the playground. I turn around to see a chunk of hair on the ground. I feel my ponytail, and feel a short stump where my hair used to fall.

I feel my eyes water at the loss of my long hair. I suck it up, and put it down, and it now draped to my shoulders.

"Your hair looks so pretty short!" Chloe said, playing with it. "When did you get it cut?"

"Today." I said, as a sniffled a bit.

"Like your new haircut! I think it suits for someone who looks so much like a boy!" I heard James snicker from behind me, and pull my hair, I grab his hand, push down on his elbow with my wrist, and step on it.

"After school at 4 at the playground. I'll see you then." I say, stomping on his elbow before letting go.

"I guess the weakling has toughened up." He said, snickering before leaving to go to his group of friends.

"Well, here we are!" Chloe said, as she stops my wheelchair.

"Are you ready?" She said, I look at the house, and all of the memories flood in, playing in the yard, playing tag. We played a lot. Studying alchemy, learning alchemy. We grew up here.

I twist the doorknob, and it doesn't budge, then I grab a key from my pocket, and wheel in.

"Are you ready?" Chloe put my hair up in a way it wouldn't get into my face. I nod at her, looking at all possible escape routes, and things I can put to my advantage. I'm smaller than him, in many ways, so I should aim for the gut, and use my knees and elbows. I also should kick, seeing I can kick harder than I can punch.

I walk onto the playground, James and his crew is standing behind him, and more people gather around us, the same people that used to laugh at me when I was little.

What everyone didn't know, I made some hidden transmutation circles in the ground, to trip him and trap him. I smirk, to see he's standing right I front of one.

"I said I wanted to meet just you here, you know. This fight is between you and me."  I slip on a pair of gloves I made that I've been testing out. The gloves are black, with a white transmutation circle on the palm of each of them, which I use for my alchemy that I recently learned as well.

"I know that. Let's finish this up quick, shall we? I don't want to keep your father waiting- oh wait..." His smirk tells it all, I clench my fists. 'Don't let it get to you,' I thought to myself.

I take a deep breath, and he charges forward, getting tripped by my alchemy, he stumbles up, and lunges forward to punch, I duck under him, and elbow him in the gut. He holds his stomach and stumbles back.

"Well... who's the dumbass now, hm?" I tease, making him mad, I grab his arm, and move the blood from it, making it turn blue and limb.

I punch him in the gut, then kick him in  the neck. When he falls, I kick him in the side, I feel people hold me back.


"You've proven your point. Let's get you home, ok?"

I creak open the door, ever so slowly to not wake anyone up, and turn on the lights.


I see a body, laying lifeless on the ground, with a gun next to their hand, and two stab wounds on her gut, and her head.


The smell of death fills my lungs, as I cough, and look at the walls of the house:

I'm coming for you next.

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