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It's been a week since I was at the bar with everyone and met Dean. Surprisingly, we met up with each other a lot, and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed. I've been feeling pretty good this past week but I'm nervous for tomorrow. We leave for Vegas and I know somehow I'm going to fuck up in front of everyone, I just know it and my constant fidgeting appeared to annoy the guys.

"Would you stop fidgeting, we're trying to watch this!" Jimmy whined.

"Fuck up" I muttered and got up and left the guys to watch the stupid movie.

I went up to my room and just I laid on my bed, my phone rang. I picked it up and saw it was Dean.

"Hey" I answered.

"Hello babe, are you excited for tomorrow?"

He was actually coming with us tomorrow and that's when he will meet the guys, or the first time.

"Yeah, but I'm a bit nervous"

"You're going to be fine, just get some sleep and I'll meet you at the airport tomorrow morning"

"Okay, goodnight babe"


I hung up and stared at the roof. Brian still crept into my mind a lot and it's been hell trying to stop thinking about him. It's just so hard and it hurts that he hates me. All we do is argue and although he doesn't know that I have feelings for him, it hurts a lot but he won't ever know that. I fell asleep thinking of Brian, but Dean as well. I didn't know what to do.


"Hurry up guys! I'd like to get to the airport in time!" I shouted at the guys. Well Jimmy and Johnny.

I was even ready before they two were, my stuff was already in the car and I couldn't wait any longer.

I wanted to see Dean, but I also wanted to see Brian. I knew I couldn't kiss Brian like I could kiss Dean. I couldn't do anything with Brian that I could with Dean, all Brian and I could do is argue. He does it with hate and as for me, I don't know. I know for sure it's not in hate. Because I love him.

Jimmy and Johnny finally dragged themselves downstairs and took their bags to the car. I got in the drivers seat of Jimmy's car and then be laid in the back seat, Johnny sitting beside me in the passenger seat. It was 6am and we had to be at the airport and checked in and on the plane for 7:30. So I was speeding and I hoped to god I don't get pulled over. If there was even any cops out at this time.

The drive there gave me time to think about everything more. I know I shouldn't be thinking about it because it always leaves me in a depressing mood and I end up snapping at everyone and right now I was far too tired to argue with anyone. I just didn't give a damn right now, and I needed coffee or some sort of energy drink.

We arrived at the airport earlier than I originally thought, due to my speeding. We checked in and waited at the gate for the rest of the guys to come, meaning Brian, Matt, Val and Dean. Everyone else was here and we waited patiently for them and for our plane to be announced. As we waited I had probably consumed at least 5 coffees. I heard the grumbles of men and a women's voice and I turned my head and saw Val, Matt and and Brian walking this way and I stared at Brian and he looked really fucking sexy with his hair all messy, his tired chocolate eyes, his dark blue jeans and a black v-neck. I snapped out of it when I saw Dean trailing behind. He spotted me and I smiled and ran towards him.

"Babe!" I squealed and jumped on him and kissed him on the lips as he set me down and we walked hand in hand to the guys.

The guys looks confused and Jimmy looked pretty aggressive. Val and the girls looked excited as they watched us.

I Know It's Hurting You But It's Killing Me (Synster Gates)Where stories live. Discover now