If There Is A Light, Don't Let It Go Out

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The guys and girls had been worrying a lot about Lily lately. She hadn't left her room since Christmas Day and she hadn't eaten either. It's been two days, almost three days since Christmas day. It was almost midnight and she was still awake, sitting on the window ledge looking out at the dark street. There was only a few cars going by, not many.

She had been watching the kids playing out the front earlier this afternoon and saw how happy they were, they were so carefree. She would do anything to be a kid again. She thought being an adult was difficult and there was so much trouble to go through, troubles you didn't have to go through while you were still a kid.

Everyone had gone back to their own houses after helping cleaning up Jimmy and Lily's house. The guys planned to go out for a few drinks while the girls wanted to have a quiet night in. They asked Lily to join but she refused. She didn't want to be around anyone. She couldn't stand seeing people at this moment. The only person she wanted to see was Jimmy.

As Jimmy showered and changed into new clothes he walked over to Lily's bedroom door and looked down at the ground. He prayed that she'd be happy again, he hates seeing her so depressed. He knocks softly and opens the door to see Lily on the window ledge, just like she was a few hours ago.

"Lily, I'm going out. I'll see you soon, okay?" He spoke softly.

She turned her head and nodded.

She wouldn't talk to anyone. She hadn't opened her mouth to anyone. All she did was nod or shake her head and occasionally shrug her shoulders. She knew that if she spoke she'd have another break down and she'd done enough crying over the course of a week. She felt drained from crying so much. It was like a cloud was floating over her and raining constantly, it felt like it had been raining for days. Her life was a shadow, and it was tearing her apart.

While the guys all went out to drink and the girls had a movie night with food, Lily sat at home in her room in the dark. Alone.

Max was sleeping in the laundry room like he usually does. He sleeps on the pile of clothes in the basket beside the washing machine. He has his own bed but refuses to sleep in it, apparently clothes in a basket is more comfortable for him.

A few hours had gone by and Jimmy had came home and Lily had just woken up from her nap, she had a nightmare again. She couldn't deal with these nightmares any longer. They were haunting her.

Brian had drank that much that he had forgotten who he was. He was stumbling his way around his house, he missed Lily. He was beating himself up about it and was fighting against his mind, and his heart. He knew Lily was the one for him, and he even considered proposing to her soon, and that's what scared him. He had no clue if he was reading to get married, he was afraid that if he knew for definite that Lily was the one and she didn't feel the same. He didn't intentionally cheat on her but what happened, happened and he can't take it back as much as he wish he could.

Sooner or later, Brian passed out. Pinkly curled up beside him to keep him warm seen as he didn't have a blanket over him and the heating was off.

Lily washed her face and brushed her hair out. She slipped her slippers on and leaned against the sink and sighed.

It was almost 7 in the morning and she couldn't understand why she was up this early. It still looked dark outside.

She wandered over to Jimmys room and peeked inside, seeing him lying on his bed, facing the roof. She walked over to the side of his bed and shook his arm lightly.

"Jim Jam" she whispered. Her throat was sore from not talking for a few days.

Jimmy didn't move a muscle.

"Jimmy" Lily whimpered. He wasn't moving at all. His skin was cold and his chest wasn't moving. She noticed his meds bottle on the ground, and a bottle of JD. half empty.

"Jimmy, please wake up" she whimpered. Tears sprung her eyes.

She tried waking Jimmy up again, but he didn't move. She let her tears fall as she sobbed by his bedside. He's gone.. Her mind was repeating those words and her heart was being stabbed by needles over and over again.

She grabbed her phone from her room and ran back to his room and called Matt. Right now she didn't care that it was so early in the morning, this was urgent.

Matt answered.

"Lily, what do you want. It's 7 in the fucking morning" he growled.

"J-Jimmy" she stuttered. She couldn't speak, her tears were chocking her.

"What about him?"

"He-he's dead.. please come" she whimpered while looking at Jimmy's face. It was pale, and stone cold. He looked peaceful and no longer troubled by the world.

She dropped her phone and laid her head on the mistress and cried until Matt, Brian, Zacky and Johnny came running inside and up to Jimmy's room where they found Lily crying her heart out and a stone cold Jimmy.

An ambulance came and paramedics came running in and as Lily tried to go with her brother, they refused and said she wasn't allowed.

"But he's my brother, let me be with him for fuck same!" She yelled while tears streamed down her face.

"I'm sorry miss, but we can't. We'll call you later to give you news on him" the paramedic said before closing the doors to the ambulance.

They drove off to the hospital while everyone stared after the moving vehicle. Lily fell to the ground and cried her heart out. Why did this happen?

Brian walked over to Lily and tried to help her up but she pushed him away.

"Fuck off Brian!" She yelled.

"Lily, c'mon let's go inside and get some sleep" Matt said softly. His mind was processing everything.

"I don't want to" she said between sobs.

"You're going to have to, we have to get through this together, as a family" Matt said sternly.

"I don't have anymore family! My parents don't talk to me, none of my family does and if you haven't noticed, my brother has just died! So leave me the hell alone!" She shouted at them all. She ran inside and locked the door.

For the whole day and night, she cried and wished for her brother to be here again. She wanted his comforting hugs and his protective arms to hold her during the night while she cried from heartbreak. But he was no longer here and she knew right then and there that she can't survive without him.

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