Attached (Part 2)

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"Lily, wake up" Jimmy shook me lightly as my eyes fluttered open. I groaned and rubbed my face. He laughed lightly and got up from the bed.

"We gotta get ready to go to Matt's" he said as he took clothes and went to the bathroom and I soon heard the shower turn on. I got out of bed and dragged myself to my bedroom and turned the water on and hopped in the shower.

I washed my hair with my favourite watermelon shampoo and washed my body with lynx. I know it's men's, but it smells like heaven. I shaved the parts that needed shaved and stepped out, wrapping my towel around my body and going out to my room.

I pulled out my black ripped skinny jeans and my white muscle t-shirt that had a skeleton hand flipping the finger. I didn't bother bringing my bikini since I wasn't planning on going in the pool. I slipped my combat boots on and curled my hair in loose curls and let them flow down my back. I put dark make up on which consisted of black winged eyeliner with a mix of dark brown and black eyeshadow and pencil liner on my water line, and a touch of mascara. I put some dark purple lipstick on to add to it. I grabbed my all black aviators and walked downstairs while slipping my phone and wallet in my back pocket.

Jimmy was sitting on the couch and I grabbed my keys. "I'm driving, you ready?"

"Yep!" he replied, popping the 'p'. We walked out to my white Chevy Camaro z28. She was my baby, the interior was a nice shiny black and it smelt like coconut inside. I slipped my all black aviators on and started the car, the engine roaring to life and making that sound I love so much.

I drove to Matt's in silence and I played Marilyn Manson while I drove. Jimmy cleared his throat grabbing my attention.

"How can you afford a car like this?" he asked as he admired the interior.

"My pay is pretty high, and I saved up a lot and got this car" I replied, not exactly lying. My pay was high for my career, but it was even higher with my secret career, if that's what you want to call it. I could get thousands more if I was to make my career as a Bounty Hunter, I had the right stuff to just walk into an office and apply but I didn't think I'd be right for it.

With my secret career there were also things to look out for. Like the people who come to street race, but aren't actually street racers. They're criminals. They hold people hostage, people who mean a lot to you. They fuck with your mind, they try to break you and tear you down. I had to beat down this dude before, he took hostage of my old best-friends boyfriend, because his sister wanted him. She was physco and possessive.

Ally who was my ex-bestfriends boyfriend got held up with Randy and Ally was one of my good friends and I knew everything that happened, I called out to Vinny and got some of the people on our crew to get Ally back. We got out gear, and cars. We tracked them down and got to them. We were allowed to shoot, but not kill. I ended up shooting Randy's sister in the leg, Vinny got Randy and the rest of our crew got to Ally and got him back to his girlfriend. Randy and his sister, Maya are in prison.

We arrived at Matt's pretty quickly, due to my fast driving and car, we were there in no time. Jimmy was amazed by my driving skills and how 'badass' he says I am. I shrugged him off and laughed, If only he knew why or what I do to get these cars.

"Hey Lily" Matt smiled. I nodded to him saying hello without being verbal. I went out to the deck where everyone else was. Johnny and Lacey were sitting on chairs near the table, Zacky was inside with Matt, Jimmy and Val. Gena was in the pool with Mandy and Brian. I sat down in front of Johnny and Lacey after grabbing a beer.

"Hey babe, how you doing?" Lacey asked, smiling widely at me. I shrugged but smiled.

"I'm good, yourself?" I asked. I felt pretty average today.

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