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-His full name is Jacob Donat Dillinger 

-When people find out about his middle name it's donut puns galore. 

-Pansexual cis boy 

-The single tallest of the SQUAD at a whopping 6'1

-Gives people piggy-back rides 

-By people I mean sleeping Rich.

-He and Jenna are cousins (somehow). 

-They have a mutual 'I don't spread rumor about you if you don't spread rumors about me' pact. 

-Stress bakes. 

-He's stressed just about 24/7.

-So his house always smells like fresh baked cookies and cakes. 

-"Jake are you okay-?"

-"I'm making fucking lemon squares. NO I AM NOT OKAY"

-The best cook of the SQUAD. 

-Is the leader of just about every extra curricular activity in Middle Borough.

-Also surprisingly okay at Model UN. 

-After the fire there are days that his legs just decide to not work.

-He's very lonely but he tries to distract himself. 

-Will beat up anyone who messes with his friends.

-Says 'no homo' around seventy times daily. 

-Can play the ukulele, it's just that no one's ever asked. 

-Really bad a video games. Like when he tries to play he ends up forgetting what buttons do what and eventually just gets so frustrated he chucks the controller across the room. 

-Christine got him into collecting pins for his jacket.  

-Also he makes the SQUAD a bunch of personalized sweets. 

-Like Michael he loves doggos.

-He owns two dogs and two cats he picked up at then pound. A Chow-chow named Po, an Akita named Gregg, a British shorthaired cat named Mae and a snowshoe cat named Mr. Mistofolees. 

-Volunteers at the animals shelter on the weekends.

-His SQUIP was Rich. 

-His username is JakeyD

-Has mild depression 

-Nicknames for Rich include: RichyG, Arson Bro, Shortbean, and Grumpy. 

-Huge fan of Carley Rae Jepsen. 

-Probably been to one of her concerts. 

-His ringtone is 'I really really really really really like you!

-He's actually a really hecking good signer but he doesn't usually sing in public. 

-When he's a alone he will blast songs at full volume in his room and start shouting the lyrics at the top of his lungs and dancing. 

-His diet consists of pizza, Pepsi, Doritos and cookie dough. 

-Works out. 

-Second one in the SQUAD to have abs. 

-Spa days with Jenna and Chloe. 

-Gym pals with Chloe and Rich. 

-Was never particularly mean to Jeremy and after the SQUIPCIDENT they became track and field buds. 

-Even after he and Christine 'broke up' they still remained pretty okay friends. 

-He will beat up anyone who dares hurt her. 

-Will fall asleep in with weirdest positions imaginable.

-Like once Jenna found him sleeping on the roof of her house. With no idea how he got up there since Jenna doesn't own a ladder. 

-He's president of the GSA!! He joined freshman year, was treasurer sophomore year, and is president for junior and senior year!!

-Super involved with student council!! He's really good at thinking of fun themes for dances

-Puts tinsel on his wheelchair. It's annoyingly flashy and he loves it. 

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