These Kids-

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-Take the HC's I made for my SQUIP SQUAD's future kiddos: 

-Take the HC's I made for my SQUIP SQUAD's future kiddos: 

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-Her full name is Christine Amelie Apocalypse Heere-Mell!

-She's 24

-Cis girl, Lesbian 

-She's studying graphic design in California, but she still facetimes her Dads every weekened 

-She loves sewing! She customized tons of her clothes with patterns of flowers and nature stuff

-Wears bandaids to remember stuff

-Anyone who dates her she forces to learn the choreography to 'Thrill of first love' from Falsettos

-Plays the violin

-Huge video game nerd thanks to her Papa and will shout in the middle of lectures if someone gets a reference wrong

-Thanks to her Aunt Christine she also is a thespian

-Has v bubbly handwriting because it makes her happy to look at

-Makes her own fruit and kale smoothies because HEALTHY

-She gives her friends nicknames that deviate so far from their real names it's hard to know who she's talking about

-Her hair is usually a fucking mess + chipped nails all the time

-She's tired 

-His full name is Connor Bob-Marley Heere-Mell 

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-His full name is Connor Bob-Marley Heere-Mell 

-He's 18

-Cis boy, Gay 

-He loves bunnies! Just so much he wants to have a pet bunny because petting them makes him calm down

-He sometimes wears pastel star and heart charms in his hair

-Paints his nails pastel colours but they're usually chipped since he bites them

-Extremely proud of his shoulder length hair and goes to extra measures to make sure it's always soft

-His entire closet is just pastels, an array of soft blues, pinks, purples and yellows

-Overly smiley

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