Chapter 22

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Drennon was making me go on this mission, if that's what you wanna call it to get back at Steele. He wants me to be side by side with him and Bakari. Why I don't know?

I know he taught me yesterday how to shot a gun but I know I'm not about to be shooting anyone. I don't have that in me to just take someone's life.

I let God and karma deal with people.

I was sitting with Lee in the warehouse waiting for Drennon and Bakari. Lee was busy in her phone playing Subway Surfers. As usual, we had to wear all black. Not saying I don't like the color black but, I would like to wear other colors too.

"Say miss lady, you look a little down over there. I think I know what it is, I ain't been showing you much attention lately."

I smacked my teeth while snickering. This girl is something else. But I can always count on Lee to give me a good laugh.

"Yeah thats exactly why." I joked. "You just be ignoring me like I don't never be in the room."

"Don't feel that way, it's not intentionally. How about after tonight, I come drop that hotdog off in your bun."

I laughed. "Your what in my what?"

"You ain't never heard that one before? How you like it? Was it good or too forward?"

"How about too corny." I said patting her shoulder. Pick-up lines are not Lee's strong point.

"Damn, you could've at least let me down easy or something hurting my feelings and shit." She faked cried.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her as I saw her peeping her eyes at me. "My daddy used to do that trick on me all the time so I know when someone is faking."

"Goddamn it was worth a try." Lee said tying her shoelace. "I was just trying to put a smile on your face anyway."

"I know. Thanks Lee." I nudged her arm. I could use a laugh especially right now. I'm still not feeling this though. I don't see why I have to be in on this since this has nothing to do with me.

This is Drennon and Bakari's mess to handle not mine. Just like my father and his mess. Somehow, I'm always put in the middle of things.

"The guns already in the car." I heard Bakari say. Him and Drennon were just coming off the elevator.

Lee casually got up from the chair and stretched. "It's about time y'all niggas done came down. I was about to say fuck it and do the shit myself."

"Don't play with me Lee." Drennon sneered.

"Excuse the fuck out of me Mr. touchy. I was trying to lighten up the mood." Lee furrowed her face.

Drennon continued to keep walking to the car fixing the collar on his jacket. It was something strange about him tonight. He didn't even act this way when I had to do that escort thing.

"That nigga need to get a nut maybe he won't be so fucking uptight." Lee mumbled walking past me.

I guess every since he's started feeling better, his mindset changed. Not between Bakari or Lee but within his self.

Not long after, I trailed behind Lee but not before Bakari lightly grabbed me by the wrist. With Drennon around, I know this is not the right time for this.

Maybe it's just me but is seems like every time me, Bakari, and Drennon are in the same room, things start getting a little weird for me. Or am I just overthinking it?

"I want to apologize again Riley for not believing you. I know you already said you forgave me but I just feel like I can't apologize enough."

He could've said this earlier on in the day. Why wait until I get around Drennon? I'm not saying Bakari has motives or anything but I still haven't forgotten that conversation the two of them had that night about having feelings for me.

Could Bakari be developing those feelings back?

"I told you Bakari I accept your apology. I know she did you wrong."

"I just don't want this to come between our friendship." Bakari said.


"Trust me, it won't at all." At least I know where we stand.

Bakari walked ahead of me going over to Lee. I quickly glanced at Drennon who was adjusting his bulletproof vest. Any other time, I won't see Drennon putting on a vest, he didn't last time.

Is this situation that serious?

"Riley come on. You just standing there daydreaming." Drennon yelled out.

I sighed and mentally rolled my eyes as I trotted over to the car. Before I could open the door, Drennon bends down to my ankle. I still had that monitor on.

He had a pair of bolt cutters in hands. With one snip, the ankle monitor broke loose. Was he letting me go?

"In order for you to leave the house, you can't have that monitor on, so you getting this instead."

Before I knew it, what I thought was a pink bracelet was a tracking device.

"You know I don't trust you so if you do decide to make a run for it, I'll know where you at. Oh and the only way that bracelet comes off is if I take it off." He said smirking.

I should've known I wasn't going to get out of this that easily. It's always some quirks that comes with Drennon.

"I just got word from Veno that Steele just sent his workers home." Lee called out from the car.

"And Genesis? We got to have both of them in the same room." Drennon replied.

Lee checked her phone to see if Veno had information on Genesis. A little beep sound had came to through her phone. "He just sent me a message saying Genesis just pulled up to Steele's spot."

Drennon and Bakari nodded at each other. "Let's do this shit."

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