Chapter 53

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Rain droplets from the thunderstorm hit the window like pellets as I laid my head back on the cold hard wall. I groaned growing frustrated with how long I've been in this room. Katrina has been gone for I don't know how long and Lorenzo hasn't came back here since he bought Bakari in here, it was just the two of us. He was on the further side of me sleeping holding his damaged hand.

The rain was starting to get more heavier as droplets would hit the window. Following right after that was loud sounds of thunder and flashes of bright lightning that lit up the sky. I hated when it would storm like this. Rain I could deal with but loud thunder and lightening was not for me.

I held onto myself as the lightening and thunder grew more intense. When the weather was this bad, I remember my father would turn off all the lights in the house, he did that because he said the lightening would attract electricity. I knew he was overreacting but I went along with it anyway. Whenever I got scared, I would ball up next to him to feel secure. The weather didn't seem that bad when I was curled up to him.

My father wasn't the only person on my mind, Drennon was too. It's driving me crazy to not hear from him. Our last encounter was not the best. He was upset and so was I, we all were just in the heat of the moment. That's why I try not to say anything I don't mean when I'm mad. You never know when it could be your last time seeing someone and you left off on the wrong foot.

I just hope he isn't doing anything drastic. Knowing Drennon and how hot-headed and determined he is, doing something drastic is not too far from him. I hope Veno can talk some sense into him though. With Veno by his side, Drennon seems a little less cutthroat.

Lightening struck the sky as thunder roared causing me to squeal. Due to my squealing, it woke Bakari up. He rubbed on his eyes looking around.

"I'm sorry if I woke you, this weather scares me when it gets like this." I told him lifting my knees up to my chest. He stopped rubbing his eyes and briefly looked up at the window.

"That was you that made that noise? You sound like a little bitty mouse. I thought they might've let some rats loose in here."

I smacked my lips. "My squeal was not that high pitched."

"It was loud enough to wake me and I'm a heavy sleeper."

"Now you just being ridiculous." I laughed softly.

"Just trying to get a laugh out of you. This weather fucks me up a little bit too. Not because I'm scared but it brings back painful memories."

"What kind of memories if you don't mind me asking?"

He rubbed on his hand flexing it. "You remember when I told you my parents died in a car accident?"

I nodded my head.

"It happened in this kind of weather, I saw the accident happen."

I gasped.

"We had like this big house so my room was up enough to where you could see people coming down the road. I was looking out the window and all I seen was something go across the windshield of the car, couldn't make out what it was. My mother was driving and it caused her to start swerving and she hit a tree. Killed them both."

I didn't know what to say after that. I knew his parents died in a car accident but I didn't know he witnessed it. Seeing something like that can really leave a scar on you. Nobody should have to go through that, especially at a young age.

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