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A/n: yellow putting up another chapter whooooo this time maybe scarlet might meet Jordan.... Maybe I don't know.... :)

Scarlets p.o.v

I woke up from the sun beaming on my face and gave up on sleeping in. I got changed into the dress lunar has given me, went to the bathroom to brush my hair lunar will possibly do my makeup when I get to the shoot.

I put on my blue converse on, I went out the door and begin working towards the elevator looking down on my phone scrolling through tumblr. I didn't see were I was going and rammed into someone causing me to fall on my butt as well as feeling something hot and damp on my stomach.

"Oh my gosh I- I am so sorry" a smooth silky voice said panicking, I got up brushed the hair out of my face and looked at the guy. He has black fluffy hair, brown chocolate eyes you could get lost in, a stubble growing a bit, possibly turning into a beard soon, but the strangest thing is my heart rate is speeding up, why?

"Oh uhhhh it's okay" I say nervously "oh no I ruined your pretty dress, here let me get you something" as he said that I looked down and there was spilt coffee on the dress, "oh no".

Jordan's p.o.v (it's yerrrr boiiii)

As I raced into my apartment thoughts were running through my head 'great job Jordan you ruined this girls dress.... Brav freaking O'.

I say to myself, I got a damp towel went out into the hallway and handed it to the girl. "Thanks" she says smiling putting the towel on her stomach, "oh dang it, I'm so sorry I should've seen were I was going" I say face palming myself the girl laughed, "it's ok uhhhh", "Jordan maron my name is" I say shaking her hand.

"Mines scarlet Johnson, well thank you for helping me Jordan, but I think I better wash this off" she says half heartedly laughing, I must admit scarlet is really pretty, she handed the towel back to me I saw a quote on her wrist, "hey I don't mean to be rude, but what does that tattoo say".

She smiles at me and reads out what it says "where's there a will there's a way" I nodded my head thoughtfully, "well thanks for the help Jordan, but I best be going now"," wait!" I call out to her she turns straight away making her snowy white hair flick back off of her shoulder.

"Uhhh do y-you want to exchange phone numbers, maybe" I say nervously, scarlet smiles and pulls out her phone we exchange numbers said our goodbyes and went on with our day..... To be honest I didn't want to say goodbye I wanted to hang out with her for little while longer.

A/n whoooo another chapter..... I might do another one today I'm an Aussie soooo it's still morning haha hope you enjoyed how they meet feed back is ok to be given. Have a groovy day, afternoon or night.

Ranga out ^_^

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