Staying alive......

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Jordan P.O.V

Scarlet seemed to be really quiet on the way to the hotel, I'll asked her what's up tomorrow, but now I'm really tired.

"You coming to bed babe?" I asked Scarlet behind her on the couch watching the late night news, she turns and smiles at me, "yeah" she turned the TV off and we snuggled down together on our bed.

"I love you, I'm glad your the father of my child Jordan" Scarlet whispered.

"I love you too, I'm glad we are having a family together....... Forever" I kiss her lips, and sleep finally took over us.


I woke up to the sound of a familiar scream...... 'Scarlet' I say to myself, I shot straight up looking beside me and seeing Scarlet holding her stomach.

"Oh crap, Scarlet are you okay?' I say in a worried voice, not sure what I should do.


I quickly grabbed Scarlet, holding onto her so she can support herself on me, I grabbed a few towels, car keys and phone, we raced to the hospital ASAP!


Scarlet and I made our way inside the emergency room, "AHAHAHAH!" Scarlet screamed holding my hand really tightly, I kinda winced in pain damn she's strong.

Doctors and nurses came flooding in, putting her on a bed that rolls you into a surgery room, I followed them.

"Whoa, who are?" The nurse said holding me up, "I-I'm her boyfriend" I quickly said, she scanned me up and down, she stood aside and let me in the room.

I quickly went next to Scarlet calming her down and holding her hand while she pushed.

"Scarlet.. Look at me, your going to be fine, just breath in, breath out, okay?" I say smiling a bit, she looks at me intensely.

"Scarlet your doing fine, the baby is almost out" the nurse said calmingly, "I WANT IT OUT NOW!" She screamed, I sniggered a bit.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Scarlet screamed once more and laid down breathing heavily, we all heard the baby scream.

"Congratulations..... It's a girl" the doctor said smiling, cleaning our baby girl up, so we can hold her.

They handed our baby over to Scarlet, we both gazed into each other's eyes and smiled brightly realising that were are parents now.

"I love you" I say leaning in, "I love you too" Scarlet leans in as well, we both gave each other quick kisses.

"Well since her name is savannah, what's her middle?" I say kissing our child's head.

"How about...... Savannah Andy Harrison Maron" she smiles, I nod my head thoughtfully, it doesn't make sense, but it means something close to her of course.

While Scarlet and I took turns holding savannah, one of the doctors came in.

"Uhh mr Maron may I speak to you for a moment" he said in all seriousness, I nod my head following him outside the room.

"My name is doctor Chris" he put his hand out for me to shake it, I gladly accept it.

"Nice to meet you sir, what seems to be the problem?" I asked looking at him straight in the eye.

"Did you know that Miss Johnson..... Has.... Uhhh cancer, were you aware?" He asked.

I felt a tear drop, I feel like I couldn't breath, "n-no" I say choking up, Scarlet didn't tell me this...... Why?

Scarlet P.O.V

I look at savannah peacefully sleeping in my arms, I looked at the door with a rectangular glass window, I could see Jordan wiping his tears with his sleeved jumper and the doctor trying to comfort him....... I'm guessing he told he news instead of me.

I shed a couple of burning tears down my cheek, I don't want to die.... Not yet in fact, not at all I want to spend the rest of my life with Jordan and savannah, watching her grow up bit by bit would be the highlight of my life.

Jordan came in and sat back down next to me, I could hear him sniffling, he doctor came in as well.

"Miss Johnson........ You may or may not survive........ But I'll tell you this..... We are working on a cure for the disease..... It's just a matter of time whether or not you'll survive" he says fiddling with his note pad.

I smiled a bit as well as Jordan, "well when is he cure going to be out?" I asked, "in a year or so" he said quietly.

My smile faded, will I survive long enough till then? Jordan gets up and storms out of the room. I'm guessing he needs to get some steam out..... I'm really worried now...... Anxiety is kicking in.

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