Doctor maron and confessions

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Jordan P.O.V

I placed scarlet on my kitchen bench, turned on lights and lifted her head up, she winced in pain, "sorry, can I just see please scarlet?" I say pleading.

She nods her head in agreement and lifts her head up there was a big red mark on her cheek and her piecing cut her lip just a tad, "I'll be back" I say walking out to get a damp cloth and some ice.

Scarlets P.O.V

My freaking cheek stings like hell, and I can taste a little bit of blood, Jordan comes back with supplies, "here place this on your cheek please" he said smiling handing me the ice pack, "thank you Jordan for saving me" I say placing the ice pack on my cheek Jordan chuckles, "to be honest instead of me pushing him I was going to punch him in the face" I laughed at Jordan's comment.

Jordan was about to place the damp cloth on my lip, but he stopped "uhhh scarlet can you please take your piercing out?" he asked I did what I was told and Jordan placed the damp cloth on my lip. I couldn't help, but smile and slightly laugh, "what are you laughing about?" He says chuckling, "there was an awkward silence and here you are cleaning my bloody lip, also I'm still in mad about Andy, so yeah.

Jordan smiles and shakes his head laughing slightly, "well that makes the two of us then".

Jordan's P.O.V

Man, scarlet is a freaking tuff chick, I wouldn't want to mess with her she's actually quiet sexy when she's mad, 'wait what Jordan no, that's bad' I say to myself.

I want to know what our relationship is like and where is going to head. "Hey scare?" She looks up, "I was wondering what do you think our relationship is like?" Scarlet took a deep breath, "to be honest Jordan, I think we should be friends for the time being, sorry it's just I have to fix up things with myself and mostly Andy, I'm not very stabled at the moment, Jordan I like you a lot, I'd love to be more than friends with you, it's just I can't not yet".

She says with her eyes welling up with tears, "hey no, no it's ok scarlet I understand completely, I'll wait I don't care if it'll take days, weeks, months or years......... I'll wait...... For you.

Scarlet places a hand on my cheek, I move forward currently standing between her legs (A/N oh that sounds a bit wrong, oopsies)

"Thank you" she says leaning in letting out lips touch once more, oh man this kiss was full of passion, I lick her bottom lip for an entrance tasting the slightest bit of blood, but I didn't care I was lost in her lips. She accepts, our tongues explore each other's mouths, she moans into the kiss as I bite her bottom lip lightly, her hands find there way to the collar of my shirt.

Grabbing it and pulling me closer, making our kiss deeper, oh dang she's an amazing kisser.

We both pulled away smirking at each other, scarlet leans in and whispers, "dang, dude your lips are so irresistible" she says nibbling on my ear lob, making me moan slightly.

Scarlet started laughing "oh did you moan?", I blushed "m-maybe" I stuttered.

Scarlets P.O.V

Jordan blushed, oh man he's such a cutie I hop off of the kitchen bench and open Jordan's door, "well I'll see you later" I say kissing his cheek, "bye scarlet, I l-like you"

I smile "I like you too" I wink, heading out into the hallway and into my apartment, 'aha I can still feel that adorable dork on my lips" I say to myself, drifting off to sleep.

A/N whooooo another chapter whoooo, haha thanks for reading guys, I didn't mean to call Jordan a dork, he's adorkable that's what I was going for, not in a mean way.

Anyway I hope you have a groovy day, afternoon or night.

Ranga out ^_^

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