Is 'it' gone?

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Scarlet P.O.V

I am nervous all hell, what happens if the cure doesn't work?, what if I die just then and there?

All these negative thoughts ran in and out of my head, I felt someone touch my hand and lace their fingers with mine, I look over onto my right side and see Jordan giving me a reassuring smile and squeezing my hand.

"You'll be fine" he says softly.

I half heartedly laughed, "I sure damn hope so, I mean what happens if-".

"Scarlet, there's no if's nor but's, this WILL work, trust me" he smiles, a sigh of relief went out.

"I can't wait till your better mummy, it'll be like the good times, were you record videos with daddy on minecraft" savannah pipes up.

"Me neither sweet pea, you have been such a strong little girl for us and waiting patiently for mummy to get better" I put my left hand out and put it on savannahs cheek.

"Miss Johnson, are you ready?" Doctor Chris walks in smiling a bit.

I looked at my two favourite people in the world and opened my arms for a hug, they both went up and gave me a tight squeeze.

I kissed savannah's cheek and I gave Jordan a long hard kiss, "you'll be fine" he whispered when I pulled back.

Doctor Chris wheeled me out on the bed and on our way to surgery.

Jordan P.O.V

I sat in the room with savannah that scarlet was in, "dad, are you married with mummy yet?" Savannah spoke up quietly.

I looked at her beside me smiling, "no, not yet....." I answered, it's true though I haven't married my love, when we told my mum that Scarlet was pregnant she wasn't happy at all, she made an agreement that I'd get married first then have a child, but no.

When Scarlet told her parents they did the same thing, but Scarlet made an agreement that she'd have a baby when she's in her 30's, so both of us fought for an understanding for our parents to have an 'okay' that we were going to have a family soon, they'd gave in and said yes.

It was a hell of a ride to be honest, "hey sparklez" I heard someone walk in and did a dolphin laugh 'Adam' I say smirking to myself.

"UNCLE ADAM!" Savannah ran up to him and gave each other hugs, "hey sweetie, how are you?" Adam said smiling, while lifting her up.

"I'm good" she smiles, I went up to the both of them, "hey dude" I smiled at Adam.

"Hey man, I heard Scarlet is going to surgery? I tried to get mark and nick here, but they couldn't make it" Adam looked down in disappointment.

"Nah, it's cool don't worry and yes Scarlet is in surgery now" I smiled a bit, hoping that the surgery wasn't a fail.

~skippy surgery, did the cure work or not?~

Scarlet P.O.V

Darkness is all around me, I can hear faint mumbles of people taking, I try it open my eyes, but it's useless it's like there glued shut.

I make a very attractive sound ~sarcasm used~.

"Uhhmmh" is all a said I heard foot steps coming closer and someone touching my hand, "Scarlet, wake up" I heard a very familiar voice.

Eventually I open my eyes and see doctor Chris smiling, Adam holding my little girl, my older brother hunter, indigo holding on to her older brother and I see Jordan right beside me grinning like an adorable dork he is.

"I-is it gone?" I stutter out, I saw doctor Chris nod his head softly.

I gasped and soon enough I cried in happy tears while everyone surrounded me and giving me warn hugs.

A/n WHOOOOOOOOWHOOOOOOOO PARTY UP IN HERE YERRRRRR........... The girl has lived :) the book is just nearly on the verge of ending soon ;( but thank you all for reading this book it means so much I don't care if I say this a thousand times it just means that it means everything to me :) and thanks to 3k and counting 😄😄😄😄😁😁😁

Have a groovy day, afternoon or night.

Ranga out ^_^

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