Getting to know each other and dirty lies

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A/n hey here's an update for you all haha I got 7 people reading this WHOOO haha I love all 7 of you I know that's not much, but it's a start.

Scarlets p.o.v

I woke up in a cocoon of warm blankets and remembered I have a date with Jordan 'ok seriously scarlet, stop calling it a date geeze you just met the boy'.

I get ready and made make way over to Starbucks, I saw Jordan inside looking at his phone. I quickly ran in and made my way over there, "hey" he said smiling hugging me I giggled, "hey captainsparklez" Jordan had a shocked look on his face, "y-you know" he whispered.

"Uhhh yeah my guy friend showed a video of you, he loves youtube" I say trying not to cringe of the thought of what Andy did, Jordan just nodded his head not sure what to say.

Jordan's p.o.v (I'm guessing it's about time)

"Oh, well that's cool I was planning on telling you" I say taking a seat, scarlet joins me and laughs. "Well you can still tell me, he just showed me a gmod montage I think it was" she said smiling, I chuckled, "well since you know what I do for a living, why don't you tell me about yourself?", she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and sighed.

"Okay, I was born on February 6th 1994 in Australia, Melbourne I have a loving, supportive parents an older brother that is five years older than me and a little sister she has just turned 10". She smiled and continued, " primary school was alright, high school was the worst in year 11. I had these bitchy girls (a/n excuse me for the language) that would gang up on me I told my friends, teachers and parents they would just say 'ignore them' which I did, but guess what? It didn't work, so I had enough of there crap and I punched one of them in the face as well as telling them to piss off and stop bullying me, they did, but I got in deeeeep trouble never mess with me" she says laughing.

"I moved in American at the age of 19 with my best friend lunar, I was broke and my best friend was baby feeding me and she got sick of it, so she offered me a job with her which was modelling her clothes, she would take photos and put them in magazines. I'm currently in a band with a guitarist named Andy trace, as well as a drummer her name is Carly Edmonds, she's an innocent human being. Well that's the end of my story, I'm in that interesting, Jordan" she says biting her lip piercing, "well to me your story was interesting if you'd wrote a biography about yourself, I would've read it".

I say smiling getting out of my chair.

Scarlets p.o.v

Jordan got out of his chair with his wallet out, "what would you like?" he asked ever so politely, I just gave him a look that kinda said 'your not paying for me' Jordan laughed, "Jordan please don't" I say pleading he just ignored me and went up to the counter.

"You don't even know what I want" I shouted not giving a damn if people stared at me, "I'll guess" he said smirking I rolled my eyes jokingly, smiling.

He came back with a Carmel frappe for me and a coffee for him to be honest I like frappes, "nice guess sparklez" I say smirking, Jordan looked up and glared at me and we both started laughing. We had little chats and laughs, but our time we spent together had to end for now.

Jordan's p.o.v

We walked to our condos I don't want her to leave please she makes me fell...... Bubbly inside a feeling I never felt before in a while to be honest.

"Thank you Jordan" she says taking out her keys to her door, "your very welcome, we must do this again if you'd like to" she nods her head in agreement, I gave her a warm hug my arms wrapped around her waist and hers around my neck.

We stood there what seemed like to was forever, but we pulled back she locked eyes with me inches away from my face, I don't know who was leaning in first, but the space between us nearly vanished when this guy interrupted us.

"Hey scare" he said, we both jumped back, "oh h-hey Andy" she says catching her breath, scarlet looked at the both of us, "oh Jordan this is Andy, Andy this is Jordan" I put out my hand for him to shake it as well as saying hello.

Andy just looked at my hand and shook his head and hugged me "oh, dude I love your vids with pewds and the nanner man".

Scarlets p.o.v (sorry for the switches of P.O.V's)

And pulled back leaving Jordan speechless I giggled, "oh uhhh thanks" he says awkwardly, "no probs" Andy put his arm around me looking down and smiling at me, I flashed one back then looking at Jordan I don't know why I get this feeling, but I'm getting s feeling of jealousy in him.

I shrugged it off and broke the silence "so, Andy what are you doing here?" I say putting his arm off of my shoulder, "oh I came here to see my girlfriend" he said leaning in.


A/n haha thanks for reading I'll put one up tomorrow it's ok, no don't throw your technology please calm down :P.
Anyway it's currently 9:15pm in Australia and I'm a bit tried, but I hope you have a groovy day, afternoon or night.

Ranga out ^_^

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