I do........

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A/n it's been hell of a great time guys I'm afraid is the last chapter....... Prepare for the feeeeelz....... I had so many endings running through my head, happy ones or sad ones, my two best mates were giving me ideas and I thank them for that :) Tristan Kent and Katrina worrell and thanks to the lovely people who comments nice stuff (I'll mention you at the end) anyway enjoy.

2weeks later

Scarlet P.O.V

I have come back home stronger than ever, the cure worked perfectly and now Jordan is taking me out with his mates for dinner, savannah is coming as well.

Oh Jordan....... He's been with me through thick and thin, I freaking love him to death I'd do anything for him, he's my bright light that leads me away from the darkness and savannah well, she's just my little 4 year old girl that makes

everything sweeter....... Damn she has my anger as well, I mean seriously don't get on her bad side.

"I'm ready" Savannah jumps up and down in the living room with her long snowy white hair in piggy tail jumping up and down, she's wearing a white dress with pink and yellow poke a dots with sparkly pink shoes.

"You look so cute" I say picking her up and pinching her cheek lightly, she just giggles.

"Awww look at you two" Jordan comes in smiling hugging the both of us.

"Daddy, you are you wearing black t-shirt and those shorts again?" She points at Jordan clothing, I snigger.

"Oh babe, you just got told by our daughter" I chuckle, Jordan rolls his eyes playfully.

"Yes I am, okay let's go we are going to be late" he let's go of us and jogs to the door, I put Savannah down.

As I walk out Jordan holds the door for us, I scan him up and down for a moment, "you really love those loafers, don't you?" I laugh at his shoes and high socks he's wearing.

"Oh whatever, let's just go" he lightly pushes me out.


We make our way to the Olive Garden, went in side, got our table and we saw Adam, cathy, nick, mark, max, Renee, my big brother Hunter, Indigo, tucker, Sonia and Tom.

We all greeted by hello's and hugs from one another, as we seat down, Jordan grabs my hand and intertwines, I look at him and smile he looks nervous..... Why?

Jordan P.O.V

I'm nervous as hell, what if she says no, what if she loves someone else?..... I'm just being silly, she loves me and me only well apart from her daughter.

I look at mark, nick and Adam who are all giving me looks, I nod my head lightly letting them know that I'm going to do it.

"Uhh attention everyone, I have a........ Big announcement to make, as we all know Scarlet and I have been together for a couple of years now, we have been through thick and thin, there was a time were our relationship went south, but we built it back up again, there were times she was broken, but I was there to help her and guide her out if the darkness that roamed over her, I don't want to loose her ever, so this is what I'm going to do".

I smile at Scarlet and see her crying with happy tears, I kneel on one leg not breaking the eye contact from her, she cupped her hand over her mouth.

I chuckle and get a red velvet box out, "Scarlet rose Johnson, I love you so much we've been together for years now an-"

"You make me sound like I'm old......." She cuts me off chuckling and making the others around us snigger.

I shake my head and laugh, "anyway, would you do the honours of being my wife" I open the box with a diamond ring on it.

"Oh Jordan I d-" I see her go all blurry and everything around me as well, what the heck is going on, I stand up and everything around me turns black that's when I start to feel like I'm falling.

"AAAAHAHAHAH" I shot straight up, looking around me, I'm in bed............. Wait..... This was a dream?

I suddenly remember Scarlet, she lives two doors down from me, I smile and run down the hallway and knock on the door to were Scarlet lives.

I heard the door unlock and out comes an.......... Old lady? "Hello, dear may I help you?" I think I woke her up.

I feel all heavy in my stomach and feel tears burning up in my eyes, "uhhh......n-no it's fine..... Sorry to bother you ma'am" I say choking up, she smiles and closes the door.

I went back into my condo.......... I can't believe that was a dream........ I wonder if she's still out there or........ Not?

Scarlet P.O.V

Just as I was about to say I do to Jordan everything turns black....... I stand up and look around, I'm all alone.

I start to feel like I'm falling now............ I slowly open my eyes and hear a beeping sound, I look over and see a heart beat monitor, wait I'm in hospital....... AGAIN?!

I try and sit up, but I can't I'm too weak, I see lunar and Andy? Come up to me, they look like they've been crying a lot.

I try to say something, but nothing comes out that's when I start to my eyes go all heavy, "I'm going to miss you so much, the doctors said they couldn't cure you, it was spreading fast" Lunar chokes up.

I try and scream, but nothing, me meeting Jordan and everything else was a dream......... No............ "I love you Scarlet" Andy whispers.

My eyes start to close, but I can't fight back, I hear my heart beat monitor slow down by every beat, by the very last beat my heart makes, I mange to whisper...........

"I do" everything......... Goes............ Black. To be continued

A/n IM CRYING.........,,,,,,,,,,........ ;( thanks for reading everyone I hope you enjoy this book thanks to 3k and counting I'll make another CS fanfic maybe :).

Thanks to: Tristan. Kat, mrssparklezzzzz, TRF_OfQotsa2112, waffles25874 and many more (just comment of I missed you....... Sorry) thanks to these peeps who comment most of in my chapters or gave me ideas..... Just thanks to everyone I love you all. P.s you may ask me some questions of you'd like :)

Have a groovy day, afternoon or night.,

Ranga out ^_^ (for now)

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