Meeting Phoenix

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Scarlet P.O.V

"I'm going to miss you" Jordan says hugging me tightly, "I'm going to miss you too, it's just for a week I'm going away" I say kissing his cheek, we pull away Jordan looks deep into my eyes.

I lean in and give him a kiss on the lips, Jordan wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer, the kiss became heated a moan escape slightly as he bit my bottom lip tugging it, "okay I have to go now" I say biting my lip as he let go.

"Dang it, call me when you arrive there" he says smiling I nod my head in agreement, we said our goodbyes and I boarded on the plane, I can wait to go to New York and model out some new fashion clothing.

Lunar founded out that she's pregnant, so her and Chris are focusing on their child, lunar told me she couldn't take photos nor make clothing for me so she got me to go and see this guy in New York, Phoenix his name is I can't wait to see him.

-plane rides can be boring, so I'm skipping it-

I arrive to my 5 star hotel and put my luggage next to my bed stand, I pull out my phone and ring Jordan to say I'm safe and sound, about three rings he picks up.


"Hey, I'm safe at my hotel and my plane didn't crash" I say giggling, Jordan laughed.

"Well that's good to know, so when are you meeting this Phoenix guy?" He says I could tell his a bit concerned.

"Uhhhh in about 15 mins or so" I say looking at the clock hung up on the wall.

"Okay......... If he tries any-"

"Jordan he won't trust me, but if he does I'll get the nearest object to hit him or something" I say half heartedly laughing, Jordan chuckles.

"Alrighty, I better get going I have a stream to do, I love you scarlet"

"I love you too Jordan have fun".

We both hang up, I get ready to meet Phoenix.

-WHOOO makeup, shower, getting dressed-

I make my way down into the lobby and out the door, getting into a taxi.


"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady at the desk asked ever so politely.

"Hi, I'm here to meet Phoenix Carlson" I say smiling.

"Here I am you must be scarlet Johnson" Phoenix comes in shaking my hand, he's dressed up in a suit and tie, green hazel eyes, brown curly hair, taller than Jordan and pearly white teeth.

"Uhh yes I am" I say giving him a light smile, "great, might I say you look Devine" he says scanning me up and down.

I was wearing a black dress with red poker dots up to knee height with white converses, I smiled and thanked him.

"Let's go shall we?" I say pointing to the door, Phoenix laughed.


We arrive at a little cute cafe with a lot of famous actors photos hanging up, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe the list goes on.

"So where are you from?" Phoenix brings me back down to earth, "oh well I'm currently living with my boyfriend in Santa Barbra" I smiled thinking about Jordan.

"Oh right, where were you born?" He asked, "I was born in Australia, Melbourne".

"Wow I know a couple of models there" he says taking a sip of his wine, he gives me a confused look after he outs his wine down, "do you drink?"

"Oh no, no not at all I'm straight edge".

"Straight edge?" He raises an eye brow, "yes straight edge, it means no drinking, no smoking and no doing drugs" I say proudly.

"Well, you're an interesting girl" he laughs, I chuckle.

"So here's the address we have to meet up and get you ready and set for the photo-shoot and........ My number" he writes in on a napkin and gives it to me.

"Thanks" I say putting it into my handbag and I stand up ready to leave.

"Wait, scarlet" he shouts, I turn around, "I was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner with me and some friend, want to join?" He asked smiling.

I thought about it for a brief moment, I want to spend my night skyping Jordan though, "I'll uhhh, I'll thinking about it" I say looking at the door then at Phoenix.

"Oh ok, well I'll see you around" he waves, I wave back heading out the door 'this guy is a bit quire' I thought.

A/n sooooooo how's Phoenix hmmm? Haha sorry about the lack of updates........... :/ hope you all have a groovy day, afternoon or night.

Ranga out ^_^

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