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"I'll do whatever it takes"

Y/N's POV:

~A Month Later~

I open the door and fix my dress a little.

"Hi, I'm Y/N L/N" I say. The android at the desk looks at some papers and then hands me some. "Go right on in, you can sit at any unoccupied desk, and the chief will want to talk to you as well" she says. "Alright, thank you" I say, leaving and going through the gate.

I got a new job, a police investigator.

Why? I'll explain later.

I look around the office and spot the chief, I walk up to him.

"Hi! I'm Y/N L/N, the new recruit" I say. He turns to me. "Ah, Y/N, come with me to my office please" he leads me to his office.

He sits down and I sit down in front of him.

"You've graduated top of all your schools, and you were a writer in the past before, correct?" He says. "Yep" I say.

"Great, I also see you've had experience in this field?" He asks. "Yes, both my parents used to be police officers until they retired, not in Detroit though! They live in Canada" I say. "Were your parents good at their job?" He asks.

"My father was a chief and my mother was one of the top ranked" I say. "Great! I told you, you could start today but... the original person that was assigned to teach you was attacked by a deviant and is currently in the hospital, you'll have to wait" he says.

"Isn't there someone else?" I ask. "There is one, but I don't think he'd be the right teacher for you" he says.

"No! Please, I already know the basics of everything, you can put with me anyone" I say. "There's only one person available, he's at that desk right there, you should go introduce yourself" he points to a desk near the window.

There's two people...

Have I seen them before?

"Will do" I smile and get up, leaving the office.

I go to the desk.

"Excuse me" I say softly. The two men turn to me... wait, one of them is an android?

"Yes?" The older man asks.

I swear I've seen these two before!

"Uhm, I'm Y/N and I was told you'd be my teacher, I'm a new recruit" I say. "New-... I think you have the wrong person rook" The guy says.

"N-no, the chief said my original teacher is in the hospital and you were the only one available" I say.

The older guys stares at me for a while. "Have I seen you somewhere?" He asks.

"Lieutenant, it's Y/N L/N, the women that was stabbed four times by her android, she helped us" Connor says.

"And... so you're Lieutenant Anderson? And you're Connor?!" I ask. "I knew I seen you two somewhere!" I add.

"Hold on, weren't you a writer?" Anderson asks.

"Yes... but Bryan moved to Canada, he couldn't handle all the deviants... and my friend Kit was killed by a deviant" I say. "So there was nothing left to do" I add.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Anderson says. "It's fine!" I smile.

"Back on topic, are you fine with being my new teacher?" I ask. "Do you at least have an idea of what to do?" Anderson asks.

"My father was a chief and my mother was one of the top ranked, plus, I was a police investigator back in Canada, I've solved over 100 cases in my first couple of months, I really don't need a teacher but I'll be dealing with deviants, not people" I say.

"So you're more than ready, you don't need me" Anderson says. "No, I do, after all you do have the deviant cases and you have an android yourself, you might be the best teacher for me" I smile.

I can feel my ego rise, jeez.

"Fine, but only so I have someone else here to occupy this... asshole" Anderson looks to Connor.

"It's a pleasure to have you working with us" Connor says. "Same to you" I smile.

"What's your name anyway Anderson?" I ask.

"Hank" he says. "Oh... where should I sit?" I ask.

"You can sit in the desk in front of me" Hank says.

"Isn't that my desk Lieutenant?" Connor asks. "It's Y/N's now" Hank says. "It's fine! I can find a different desk" I say. "No, sit here, this android doesn't need to sit anyway" Hank says. I look over to Connor.

"Go ahead, he's right actually" Connor says.

"Thank you" I say and sit down at the desk.

"Lieutenant Anderson! My office!" The chief calls.

"You two stay here" Hank says, leaving.

Once Hank is gone Connor walks over to me and sits beside me, on the desk.

"I remember you saying we probably wouldn't see each other again" Connor says. "And I remember you looking very disappointed at that" I look over to Connor.

"May I ask you a personal question?" Connor asks.

"Go ahead" I say.

"Why did you lie? About your parents?" Connor asks. I can feel my heart stop. "You don't have parents, you grew up in a orphanage" Connor adds.

"But I was a police investigator and I did solve over 100 cases in my first few months" I say. "That's true, but why did you lie about your parents?" Connor asks. "I guess it looks better on a resume rather than saying I grew up in a orphanage" I say.

"How did you know that anyway?" I ask. "I already have all your information, information that humans can't get" Connor says.

"Just don't tell anyone, I hate talking about it" I say.

"Don't worry, I promise"

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