If you want me you get her

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Pov: annie
Date: 17/6/18

I wake up as my alarm goes off slapping it and rolling out of bed. Im still half asleep and grab a jacket putting it on, over my bra and panties then going into the kitchen. No ones here i see a note "took hay to school- you clothes are in the dryer thank me later- k" i laugh at this and make myself some cereal.

As im eating breakfast there is a knock on the door i get up and open it hayden was standing there "SHIT" i yelp and pull the jacket around my body realizing it was his i chuckle nervously "good morning come in if you want" i say he smirks and comes in "i see my jacket came in handy" he jokes i laugh "yeah.........i should probably change" i say pointing to my room he nods and i walk off almost tripping over.

I get ready quickly and rush back in "so whats up?" I ask sitting near him "nothing really i dont have practice today and had some time to kill figured i'd come here" he explains "k that makes sense" I reply "i can drive you if you want" he offers "i mean we usually walk but yeah sure considering kenzie isn't here we might aswell" i say he stands up "alright then im gonna go wait in the car" he says walking towards the door "i will be down in a minute" i call and start triple checking everything then head downstairs.

I push open the heavy door and trip right over someone catches me "omg  are you okay?" He asks helping me to my feet. A boy stood infront of me attractive but not like hayden in a more soft, cute way "yeah im fine just clumsy" i laugh, he laughs aswell "okay....im austin by the way" he introduces and puts his hand out i shake it "annie" i say with a smile hayden beeps the car "and the would be my call to hurry up i should get to school see you around austin" i say jogging off he waves bye and walks into the apartments.

The car ride is filled with singing and a bit of chit-chat, hayden is about to get out when i pull his hand "remember our promise?" I ask he nods and holds his pinky up "i pinky swear i wont tell anyone" he reassures me as i link my pinky to his "wont tell anyone what ay?" Sam says walking over with the boys i get out the car "its nothing" hayden says i smile, get out the car and walk off turning back "oh hey hayden" i call they all turn in sync and i throw him his jacket "thanks" i say and walk to class. When i look back they are ruffling up his hair and stuff i laugh to myself and keep walking.

*time skip lunch*
I sit and kenzie walks over "I haven't seen you all day" she huffs "i know, how was hayley?" I ask "she was good" she replies before taking a bite of her sandwich. My phone starts to ring i answer "hello" i say "hey annie its mom is hayley at school?" She asks "yeah" I reply blunty "okay thanks love dont worry about picking her up me and her are gonna go stay with paige" she continues "what?!" I exclaim "yeah you will be fine by yourself you have your farther" she says, i huff and hang up slamming my phone down "wanna rant?" Kenzie asks i nod and start complaining about my parents and life in general. Lauren walks over with nadia "annie! Just the girl i was looking for come on time to audition" she squeals pulling me up kenzie stands up "audition?" She says crossing her arms "oh you can do it to Kayla im sure you can cheer" she says way too enthusiastically "its kenzie and annie really cheer?" She says raising eyebrow "it wouldn't hurt to try" i shrug nadia squeals and drags me off, lauren and kenzie following.

Once we reach the pitch, Kenzie goes first after practicing her routine (the total eclipse cheer dance) she does really good , me and lauren clap for her nadia just shrugs her shoulders.

Now it was my turn i take a deep breath and dance (does riverdale cheer dance) they all cheer including nadia and to my surprise a few extra cheers hayden and johnny walk over "and she can dance too" hayden claps, i can feel my cheeks burning "they seem to like you" nadia says winking at the boys "annie your on the team" she announces flipping her hair and turning to kenzie "better luck next time Kayla" she laughs "its kenzie and if you want me you get her.....not just one of us your choice if you want to lose two amazing dancers on your team" i say confidently she frowns. Clearly no one stands up to this girl "ugh fine whatever practice starts next week monday be there or lose your place.... no second chances especially for you Kayla...kenzie whatever" she sulks and struts off.

Kenzie runs over and hugs me "thank you" she says i hug her back, i look over and see the boy from earlier sitting down "one sec kenz..... AUSTIN HEY AUSTIN" i call pulling away from the hug he spots me and jogs over "hey annie I didn't realize it was you" he says "and I didn't realize you go here" i speak he laughs "yeah its my first day" he smiles "oh cool yeah this is kenzie, lauren, hayden and johnny" i introduce pointing to each one of them "hey guys im austin" he announces they all say hi back "so you do any sports austin?" Johnny asks, i dont know Johnny well but he seems nice "no I actually sing" he says confidently "you sing? Annie can sing" kenzie blurts out, i cut her a death glare "no i just do it in the shower sometimes" i say , it was true I wasn't exactly lying "her and her brother used to sing together all the time" kenzie continues i look at my feet "he was a amazing singer" she says tears form in my eyes and one rolls down my cheek "kenzie that's enough" hayden says looking at me "oh yeah annie im sorry" she apologizes i look at her wiping my eyes "its fine....he is in the army I haven't seen him in ages" i lie the truth is he did go to the army but he got shot and passed away about 1 and a half years ago "so anyone wanna come ours later?" Kenzie asks changing off the sensitive subject "i need to go home and get things, im gonna be at yours for a while" i say she nods "annie can we talk for a minute" hayden whispers i nod and we walk off.

I look at him waiting for him to talk "i can come with you later...to get your stuff" he offers i smile at him "i will be fine" i reassure him "look please let me come, i dont want you to get hurt again" he pleads and pushes my hair from my face looking at the cut, i raise a eyebrow at him "fine... fine we can leave after detention" he smiles and we walk back "wait are you two a thing?" Austin asks curiously "no what in his dreams" i laugh he nudges me and chuckles "that sure did seem like a coupley chat is there something your not telling me bro" Johnny teases, he rolls his eyes and laughs it off. We all sit down and bond, i like this squad. Its all good till the rest of the boys come over being there loud obnoxious selfs.

End of chapter

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