Chapter 3 | Saved

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~~~Last Chapter~~~

"L-Look ... I-I appreciate your co-onsern for me. But, the-ere's no help for me. Ju-ust go away. I wanna di-ie in peace." He cried softly, wiping his tears away with his jumper. I felt my body grow stiff, knowing what the future holds. I watched him put one foot forward, his gaze locked on the stars above. Then ...

He jumped.



Shoto's POV

I jumped, my eyes closing as the ocean grew closer. I heard the freckled stranger scream, probably reaching over the bridge. As if he'd catch me.

I felt the wind hit my face, the cool, misty air hit my face as well. The air that wooshed by my face had rushed by my ears, making all sounds around me unknown. I spread my arms open, ready to hit the ocean that would be as hard as conrete. Then, something grabbed my waist, pressing my body against their. I felt them push me away from the ocean, the ground soon met our bodies.

The both of us rolled around a bit, the stranger still holding me tight against their body. We eventually stopped, the both of us on our sides. The person was breathing heavily, their grip tight on my body. "A-Are .... are you .... you ok?" They asked me, their familiar voice rang in my ears. "Y-Yea." I nodded, completely enveloped in shock from what had just happened. I felt them let go of me, their hands were shaking. I slowly sat up, my eyes wide. I looked at the the stranger to see the same face. But ... I could see them better.

His eyes stood out the most, his emerald green eyes could kick me in the balls and I'd say thank you. His fluffy green hair's everywhere, kinda like bed head. His freckled cheeks were tinted with pink, like he was slightly blushing. The stranger was wearing a baggy, green hoodie, black sweatpants and boots. I noticed that his sleeves were rolled up and he ...

He had cuts. All over his arms. Like me. He's like me. He ... he was here to do the same. I-I took his chance away.

"H-Hey, it's alright. It's ok." He smiled softly, putting his small hands on my cheek. I felt him wipe away something, something wet. "W-Why .... why'd you ... you save me?" I asked him, choking on my own words. "Because a hero never lets someone go. Especially when they're in arms reach. Plus, I can't just watch someone with such potential and beauty do something as horrible as this." He smiled, pulling me close. He wrapped his arms around me, lovingly hugging me.

I felt my heart skip a beat, my body stopped shaking once I registered what he'd said. He called me beautiful ... and that I had potential.

"Y-You think ... you think I'm pretty?" I asked him, feeling my heart leap multiple hurdles at a time. "Of course. Your beautiful face couldn't be missed for miles around. And, I think that you have so much potential. Yes your family may not love you, but other people do. Not to mention your wonderful quirk, you can save anyone with a quirk as yours. Even yourself." He looked me in the eyes, his words striking home on multiple levels. I felt my heart drop to my stomach, my eyes welled up with tears. I felt my breath start to grow close together, my tears flowing out of my eyes.

I let out a vocal sob, latching onto the freckled stranger. I felt his arms reappear on my body, returning his loving hugs.

"It's alright. I'm here for you. I'm here." He whispered in my ear, his words meant so much to me. He rubbed small circles on my back, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. His words meant nothing to some people, but they meant everything to me.



Happy 4th of July for all my American's! And happy Hump Day for everyone else!

I'm finally back on schedule, it feels good. Anywho, Imma leave before my family makes any spontaneous plans and drags me along.

I hope you guys have a good night, day, whatever it may be. I'll see you beautiful guys, girls and non binary peeps in the next chappie!

My Hero | Version 1 | TodoDekuWhere stories live. Discover now