Chapter 15 | I Found Something

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~~~Last Chapter~~~

He turned onto his side, his face facing mine. He opened his eyes to meet mine, his emerald orbs shining in the daylight. "I love you Sho." Izu yawned, his hand grasping mine. I felt heat rise to my face, my hand squeezing his. "I ... I love you too." I smiled, feeling my chest grow lighter. I gaze grow softer once he closed his eyes, a teeny tiny smile on his pink tinted lips.

I don't think I'll get use to him saying that. To be honest, I never wanna get use to him saying that. His words light up my day, and I have every intention of doing the same for him.


Izuku's POV

"Izuku! Shoto! I'm home!" I heard my mother shout, the soft echo of the front door closing followed behind. I didn't move when I heard her, I only snuggled closer to Sho. I felt him move from my mother's shouts as well, his legs moved slightly, his grip on me a lil tighter than before. I smiled softly, enjoying his warmth.

"Izuku! Shoto! Where're you?!" Mum walked around the house, searching for the both of us. She made it to the hallway, probably eyeing my bedroom door. Her footsteps grew closer to my door, until she was right outside my door. "Izuku! Shoto! You in there?!" Mum knocked on the door, the sudden noise making Shoto jump. I heard her open the door, finding Sho and myself intertwined, blankets piling on top of us. Sho's leaning upwards, his right arm keeping him upright as he rubbed his blue eye. "Maaaaahm!" I whined non verbally, tossing a pillow in her direction. "O-Oh! I'll go! I'll go!" Mum squeaked, leaving the room as quickly as she entered. Luckily she closed the door behind her, giving us some privacy.

Sho sat upwards, wiping the sleep from his eyes. "What ta-ahhhhhhh-ame is it?" Shoto stretch his lanky arms, yawning mid sentence. I rolled over on my other side, grabbing my teal colored phone. I hit the power button, a bright light blinding me.

I squinted at the screen, finding the time through the brightness. "It's ... 5:45 pm." I read the time aloud, placing my phone down once I read it. "Shit, we slept all day." Sho sighed, scratching his red and white hair. "I gua-ahhhhhhhh-ase so." I stretched like a cat, yawning in the middle of my sentence as well. I sat up once I stretched, looking over at Sho's bedhead. His left side is curly, as if he had natural curls, poking up left and right. While his right side is more stiff, sticking out in bits and pieces. I stifled a giggle when I saw this, my hand flying over my mouth. "What?" Sho looked over at me, his gaze fully of sleep. "Y-Your hair." I pointed at his hair, touching his red curls. "Oh, yea ... it does that." Sho ruffled his hair, using his quirk to flatten his hair.

I smiled and scooted off of the bed, my feet hitting the cool floor. I lifted my arms above my head, stretching my mocha limbs. "O-Oh my god." I heard Sho whisper, shock present in his voice. "What?" I asked, turning around to face him. "Y-You ... your neck." He pointed at my neck, his eyes wide. I felt my heart drop to the floor, my hand flying to my phone. I turned it on and swiped up, turning on the camera. "Oh my god, Shoto what'd you do?!" I exclaimed, looking at my hickey covered neck. There's even hickey's on my jaw! I ran my finger down my neck, feeling the raised, purple skin. I looked back at Sho to see his red face, his eyes not meeting mine. "S-Sorry ... I-I wasn't paying attention. D-Don't ... don't be mad" Sho apologized, tiny flames poofing out of his hair. I sighed and put my phone down, turning it off in the process.

I walked around the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt his breath hitch, the flames stopped poofing out. "Why would I be mad at you. It's just a few hickey's." I whispered in his ear, my hands in his hair. "S-So ... your not m-mad at me?" He looked up at me, his eyes shining with a evening glow. "Of course not! I couldn't ever be mad at you." I shook my head, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "Oh thank god." Sho sighed with relief, his head resting on my bare chest. I chuckled softly, running my fingers through his silky red and white hair.

We both sat there in silence, my fingers playing with his floofs. His breaths seemed to slow, as if he fell asleep. But, he didn't. He was just really relaxed.

"We need to get dressed." Sho spoke, moving his head from my chest. "Yea .... we do." I sighed, removing my hand from his hair. It's really soft.

Sho got up from my bed, walking with me to my closet. I opened my closet doors, revealing my petite sized clothing. Even if I'm building muscle, I'm still very small. "Oh ... oh no." Sho mumbled under his breath, glancing at my small clothes. I nervously glanced over at him, feeling bad that I don't have any clothes for him. I sighed and bent down, digging into the very back of my closet. "W-What're you doing?" Sho asked me, obviously unsure as to what I'm doing. "I'm looking for clothes that'll fit you. I remember that mum had bought some clothes that were a few sizes too big, so I ended up tossing them in the back of my closet." I told him, blindly moving stuff out of the way. "And now you're trying to find them." Sho finished my sentence, bending down at my level. "Yup." I nodded, my hands grazing over something hard. 'What .... what is this?'  I asked myself, feeling this object. It's a square.

I moved my hands around the square, finding out that it has tape on it. I gently tapped on the object, getting a quiet tap. I grabbed hold of the edges, lifting it out of my closet. It's a cardboard box titled 'Dad's Stuff', written with red sharpie. "What ... is this?" I whispered, my fingers traced over the word 'Dad's'. I pulled it out of the closet, setting it down in front of me. "Should we open it?" Sho sat down next to me, the same confusion in his tone. "No, not now." I shook my head, an overwhelming feeling of sadness filling me. I saw that Sho gave me a confused gaze, not knowing how much this means to me. "I-I wanna open this with mum." I told him, putting the box on my bed. "Alright, but what'm I gonna wear?" Sho asked me, looking up at my closet.

"I ... I saw some stuff in the back." I leaned back into the closet, reaching for what I had saw before. It was a white, Medium sized tee shirt with a Strawberry Shortcake on the front, the words "You're A Piece Of Cake" written in red on the bottom. I handed the shirt to him, looking for the sweatpants that were a few sizes too big for me then and are still too big for me now. I found the pants, they're jet black with a All Might signature on the side of the leg. I smiled and tossed them at him, finding that he's staring at the shirt, his face red.

I giggled and stood up, my hands already on a pair of dark green sweatpants and a white tee shirt with the words "Polo Shirt" written on it. We both ended up getting dressed together, both casually sneaking glances at each other.

He's fucking ripped, I don't mean he has a casual six pack. I'm talking 4d eight pack that makes body builders weep.

Once we were done I picked up the box, Sho getting the door for me. "Thanks for the clothes." Sho thanked me, giving me a quick peck before I walked out. "No prob Sho." I felt my heart flutter, the living room getting closer.

I swear loving this man gets better and better by the minuet.


Guys, we're at 190 reads.

We just hit 100 last chappie!


Guys, if I ever meet any of you, I'm gonna give you a huge hug and the biggest kiss!

I love u all!

I hope you guys have have a good day, night, whatever if may be. I'll see you beautiful guys, girls and non binary peeps in the next chappie!

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