Chapter 22 | Found you

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~~~Last Chapter~~~

"I'm not afraid of you anymore. I'm not gonna take your abuse anymore, I'm not that little six year old you use to beat. I'm the fifteen year old who's flip your world upside down." I gave them a brave smile, crushing my empty can of Dr. Pepper. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder, as if the darkness around me had vanished. I feel like a completely new person, as if the mess I once was is gone.

It feels right, as if I was always like this. This's how I was and how I will be, no matter what's thrown my way.


3rd Person POV

A red and white haired boy stood over his siblings, a look of victory on his face. His siblings are laying face first on the floor, their wits smacked out of them. Ice has stuck them to the floor, causing them to stay where they are.

It's not like they're going to move anyway.

The boy stepped away from his siblings once he felt satisfied with his actions, making his way to a cracked door. The door is a deep mahogany, cracks littered left and right. The golden knob is barely holding on, it's grasps are weaker than his pinky finger.
He stepped in front of the door, fxing his ruffled hair. He staired at the door for a bit, remebering things he didn't want to remeber.

He reached for the golden doorknob, his confidence slowly disappearing. He stopped his hand right before he touched it, a heavy feeling growing in his gut.

'Open it. Just open it. He can't hurt you anymore.'

His hand still didn't move, despite is internal wishes.


His hand retreated in a flash, resulting to kicking down the door instead.

The door swung open, the wood shaking from his kick. The door fell off one of it's hinges, causing it to lean to the side. The boy glanced at the broken door, a frown on his face. He never thought that he'd be the one breaking down a door.

"Damn." He whispered, walking past the battered slab of wood. The steps creaked as he stepped on them, the wooden boards whining from his weight. He made each step light than the next, being weary to the old pieces of wood beneath him.
As each step grew lighter, the room grew darker, as if it knew he was coming.
Once he got to the bottom, as cold sensation washed over him. He didn't like this new sensation, it felt like someone was watching him. As if someone was breathing down his neck, waiting for his next move.
He looked around the dark space, trying his best to see his surroundings. He eventually got tired of squinting, using a small ball of flames to see instead.
His surroundings were a lot ... harsher than what he remembered. The basement he stood in has a massive leak, allowing water to pool around the hole. The lack of heating makes it super cold as well. Anyone who goes in here there is immediantly slapped with the cold, they wouldn't last an hour in there.
Which's funny considering he did a decent amount of time suffering in here, on multiple occasions.
The boy walked around the place, looking at the old furniture and forgotten momento's. He reached out for a small picture frame, the glass cracked slightly.
"Help." Someone spoke, someone strange, someone new, someone unknown. The boy whipped his head around, searching for the source of the noise. His eyes landed on a familiar concrete door, the slight crack on it brought back a certain memory.


"Hey! Let us out!" I yelled, slamming his shoulder into the door. Nothing.
I groaned, stepping back from the door once more. "I SAID! LET! US! OUT!" I rushed into the door, this time hearing a small crack erupt from the door.
"No ones there." Izu spoke, his voce soft and gentle. "Doesn't mean I can't still try!" I ran into it once more, trying to earn that same sound once more. I did this four more times before Izu spoke up again.
"Will you stop that! You're gonna end up shattering your shoulder ball at this point." Izu snapped, scolding me as if he was my mother. I paused once he scolded me, a smile on my face.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." I apoigized, giving up my attempts to escape. "It's alright. Just, don't run into it so hard. It's concrete after all." I sat next to him, earning a small massage on my throbbing shoulder and a loving smile. "I'll try. But ... I can't help but feel mad." I gave him a half hearted answer, looking down at my bandaged hands.
"I know, I know. But you don't have to hurt youself." His tiny massage stopped, his head dropping once he mentioned my health.
"Hey, you don't worry about me." I turned to face him, gently taking his face in my hands. "How can I not worry about you? I love you so much, and it pains me to see you get hurt every other day." Tears started to run down his face, his eyes greeting the floor.
"Hey, don't cry. It's alright. I'm alright." I wiped away his tears, kissing his mocha forhead. "But you keep getting hurt! I don't want you to get hurt. I want you to be healthly, not be wrapped in bandages!" He looked up at me, his emerald orbs full of repressed sadness.
"Izu, I ... I can't promise that I won't always get hurt. I'm an apsiring hero, and that means that I'm going to get hurt. I won't always be in tip top shape, but I'll always, always be here for you. No matter what comes between us." I looked him dead in the eyes, my hands now gently gripping his shoulders. His eyes grew flooded with tears once he registered my words, hs arms flying around my torso, hugging me close.
"I love you. So ... so much." He cried, his head burrowing itself into my chest.
I wrapped my arms around his shaking body, pulling him close.
"I love you too."
The boy shook his head, pushing those thoughts away from his head. He didn't wanna think of those times, those sad ... miserable times. Where he had to rot in a cell, holding his sobbing lover as he begged for a way out.
A way out
He felt a pang in his chest, as if his heart was stabbed by a pin. He bent down, letting his hand run over the crack in the door.
'He's probably been saved by now. He's probably sitting at home, wishing to never see me again.' The boy felt the pang grow bigger, his eyes welling up with tears.
"Help ... please. Someone ... anyone ... help." His body froze, his tears growing cold like his blood. He retracted his hand from the crack, his heart beating against his chest, like a drum in a parade.
"H-Hello?" He spoke, his voice shaking.
"S-Shoto? Is that yo-ou?" The same voice rang out, the sound of their voice became clearer than before.
It sounded so soft, so gentle, and so, so familiar. The familiarity of the voice made him stand straight up, the meiliflous tone almost put him in a trance.
"I-Izu?" His voice cracked, tears in his eyes.
"S-Shoto ... help." A shiver ran down his back, his tears eceasing to exists. His saddness turned into fear, bone chilling fear.
"Izu?" He raised his voice, trying to prove himself wrong. "Sho ... please .... help me. Please ... I begging you." The boy put his head down, tears falling down his face.
'He's not in there. He's not in there.' He repeated himself over and over again, his heartbeat in his ears.
"Shoto ... please. Please help me." The voice grew stonger, and more desparete.
'HE'S NOT IN THERE! HE CAN'T BE!' He refuses to believe it, he just couldn't. His lover can't be suffering, all because of him. He can't be.
"Shoto! Please! I can't feel my legs! Please!" The voice started to shout, soft bags on the door followed the shouts.
"SHUT UP!" Slam, his shoulder ran into the crack. "YOU'RE NOT IN THERE!" Slam. "YOU CAN'T BE IN THERE!" Slam. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE IN THERE!" Slam. "YOU DON'T DESEVE THIS!" Slam. "I JUST WANTED YOU TO BE HAPPY!" Slam.

Heyyy, so turns out I deleted the last chapter
I had a better idea and I went with it
My old viewers know this isn't new

I hope everyone's hoidays have been wonderful
Mine went great
I got a Chromebook which's what I'm typing on
I also created 3 BHNA OC's for a story I might make
They might make an appearace
I dunno

Anywho, I apoligize for the lack of uploads
My best friend, and secret crush recently had a b-day and I made him a b-day preset which took all my willpower to make
I went through so many emotions
Another reason is procrastionation and lack of creativity
Whenever I'm balls deep in a story, I suddenly loose interest and can't think of anything to write
Which's typically why I delete them on a whim
Luckily, I'm out of that rut and the future is beautiful

If you guys want to read it, I've created a book that surrounds my thoughts, ideas, health and much more.
It's basically a place where I can ramble and get feedback that's not biased

This's all I have to say

I hope you all have a good day, night, whatever it may be. I'll see you beautiful guys, girls and non binary peeps in the next chappie!

My Hero | Version 1 | TodoDekuWhere stories live. Discover now