Chapter 25 | Answers pt. 1

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This's a two part series, each part is going to be ~2500+ words

Buckle the fuck up

Cause once we start, we're not stoppin'

~~~Last Chapter~~~
She stepped back from the door, her chest puffed and eyes shining.
This is her chance, her chance to redeem herself. Not only to her friends, or her employees, but to her family.
To her sister who she had ripped away from her, due to her own fuck ups.
She's gonna show the world that she's better than that teen from years ago.
That's she's a strong woman who's let go of her past, and has improved from her mistakes.
She will do this, and accomplish her goals.
Even if it costs her her life.
3rd Person POV

Bang Bang Bang

A rythmic banging rang in the distance, causing a resting man to stir from his slumber. He opened his heavy lids, sleepily looking around the room.
He didn't see anything out of the ordinary. His blanket was still drapped over his legs, his suitcase was still on the floor and his book was still on the page he was reading. But, one thing stood out.
The time.
It's was about 4:30 PM, the sun was on the edge of the sky.
'Didn't I need to do something?' The man sat up, rubbing his eyes. He placed the blanket beside him, stretching his legs. He pulled out his phone, finding that he had some new texts from an unknown number. He opened his contacts and looked at the texts, scratching his head in confusion.
Unknown Number: Where are you Mr. Todoroki?
Unknown Number: Don't forget that you have an interview today.
Unknown Number: Mr. Todoroki, are you at the Midoriya residence?
Unknown Number: Should we message Mrs. Midoriya about your location?
Unknown Number: If you don't answer within the next 24 hours, we will order a warrent for your arrest.
'Interview? Arrest warent? Midorya? What in the fuck?' Todoroki straightened his posture, a flicker of anger growig in his stomach. He started to message the unknown number, feeling the slightest anger for dragging his love into this 'interview'.
Todoroki: Who is this? How'd you know about the Midoriyas'? What interview?
About a minuet passed by before the number answered, making that minuet a stressful one.
Unknown Number: This's a representitive of the Abuse and Kidnapping department in the Musutfa Police Department. You had an interview scheduled at 4 PM, but you haven't answered the door when our officer knocked.
Todoroki: Oh shit. I am so sorry sir or ma'am. I dozed off whilst waiting on the officer. I will answer the interview right away. This won't happen again.
Unknown Number: That's good to hear. I wish you a good interview.

"Fucking shit Shoto. Only you would do this." Todoroki hissed, placing his phone on his coffee table. He ran his hands through his hair, heating up his locks in order to smooth them out.
He got up from the couch, his bones cracking and popping. His flitched from the pain, his joints now taking the toll of the abuse he suffered from.
All the ice he was constantly stuck in gave him Arthritis, and the heat made his bones weak. He suffers from pain every so often, but his upkeep with exersize has minimized the pain a bit.
"I need to go to the doc again." He winced, heating his aching bones. He stood in his warmth for a minuet, soaking in the soothing feeling.
Once he was all loosened up, he walked over to his suit case, picking up an outfit from the mess. He grabbed a white turtle neck and some black jeans, deciding to dress in bright colours for once. He chaged his clothes right where he stood not giving a shit at the moment.
"Alright, let's see how my hair looks." Todoroki mumbled, walking over to a mirror on the wall. His red side is curly and floofy while his white side is stiff and stuck together. "Damn." He breathed out his word, his hands already in his hair. He smoothed out each half with the opposide quirk, giving himself his usual look.
He took one last look in the mirror before leaving, gazing at his dark circles and eye bags. He looks like he's seen death itself, and he doesn't mind. He let his fingers graze his dark circles, the skin darker than his scar.
'I really need to catch up on my sleep' He internally groaned, casually walking out of the bathroom. He grabbed his phone, house keys and wallet, stuffing them in his pockets.
He took one last mirror in before opening the door, making sure that he looks at least decent.
"Alright, I look good and feel fine. I can do this." Todoroki spoke to himself, pushing his hair out of his eyes. As he was checking himself, another series of knocks rang out from the door, this time they were louder.
'Calm down Shoto, it's just an interview. Just be calm and respectful.' Todoroki spoke to himself, walking up to the door. He took a deep breath before answering, preparing himself for the worst.
"Hello?" He opened the door, leaning out of the door. He looked around and spotted a soft, gentle looking woman. Her dark purple hair is tied into a loose pony, her long locks falling onto her shoulder. Her fair skin has no makeup once so ever, showing her true self. She's wearing a soft blue police officer shirt, a golden badge pinned to her chest. Her pants are long, sleek and raven black, giving her a professional look. She's wearing violet and black combat boots as shoes, adding a few centimeters to her height.
"Hello. I'm Officer Jiro. Junior Representitive of the Abuse and Kidnapping department in the Mususfta Police Deppartment. I've come to interview you about the Midoriya and Todoroki incident." The woman introduced herself, bowing at the man in front of her. Even if she was his elder, it was customary to bow to your superior. And due to Todoroki's status as the son of the Number 2 Hero, he's naturally higher up than her.
"Todoroki Shoto." Todoroki greeted her, returning her act of respect.
He often painted himself as an emotionless man in his younger years, wishing to be alone. People bought his monochromatic act after a few months of practice. He's gotten so good at portraing himself as someone else that even the cop bought his act.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Todoroki." Officer Jiro smiled, straightening her posture. "Likewise." Todoroki straightened himself as well, crossing his arms in a imtimadaing manner.
"Is it alright if we step inside? Quiet spaces are prefered for interviews." The woman asked, looking past Todoroki's shoulder and into the room. "I don't recommend that we do." Todoroki looked back, gazing at his open suitcase, text books and ... private things.
"Why is that, Mr. Todoroki?" Officer Jiro leaned to the side, trying to have a look into his room. "The contents that lie around my room aren't best for a young woman as yourself to see." Todoroki leaned to the side, blocking her field of vision.
The woman felt a smile grow across her face, a warm feeling in her chest. "I see, thank you for the warning Mr. Todoroki." Officer Jiro bowed slghtly, giving him a warm smile as a sign of thankfulness.
"No worries ma'am. I am a man of respect after all." Todoroki returned her smile, his shoulder aching from the pressure of the doorframe. "Well, where'd you suggest we talk, Mr. Todoroki?" The woman fixed her violet strap, looking up at Todoroki with an intense gaze.
"There's a cafe not too far from here. It's realitivly quiet around this time of day, considering that everyone's at home or going home." Todoroki pulled out his phone, looking at the time before answering. "That sounds like a wonderful idea." Officer Jiro smiled, her mouth watering at the thought of a warm coffee. "Is that a yes?" Todoroki asked, raising his dark red eyebrow.
"Of course. I'll go get my coat." Officer Jiro nodded, pointing at the coat rack behind her. "Same here." Todoroki bobbed his head in agreement, giving her the go ahead.
The woman turned back, walking over to the coat rack. She grabbed hold of her thick, dark purple jacket, sliding the fluffy fabric onto her shoulders.
Todoroki turned into his room, waiting until she was at the coat rack until he turned his back.
He cracked the door once he was fully inside, allowing the room to become dark once more. He used his index finger as a match, allowing that small flame to light up his surroundings. He quickly shoved his clothes into his suitcase, flipping the flap over to make it look closed. He tossed his trash and picked up what little clutter there was, shoving things in their places.
Once everything was clean he grabbed his jacket, blowing out his finger match before hand. His jacket is a black, leather knee length coat, the fabric smooth as his hair.
He slipped on his jacket as he exited the room, the heavy fabric weighing him down a bit. He patted his pockets one more time, counting over his things one more time.
"I got everything, I think." Todoroki whispered, looking back into the room. He didn't see anything he needed at the moment, nor did he see anything at all. The room is pitch black, and he didn't feel like turning on the lights. "At least I hope I do." He looked back, finding Officer Jiro typing on her phone. He shut the door once he felt prepared, putting on a straight confident face.
He walked over to the officer, a nervous twitch in his gut. "Ready?" He spoke, catching her attention rather quickly. "Of course." She answered, clicking the off button on her phone. "Good, let's go before the dinner time rush begins." Todoroki put his hands in his pockets, casually walking past the woman seemingly without a care. "Yes sir." Officer Jiro answered, following him with a great sense of respect.

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