Chapter 21 | When Somebody Loved Me

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~~~ Last Chapter ~~~

They shouted questions upon questions, I was overwhelmed in milliseconds. I shakily held my can of Dr. Pepper, everything feels fuzzy. I want to pass out, yet I feel wide awake. They kept asking questions, even if I'm not saying a word.

I noticed that there's one question that was thrown around, one question that was circling around this thick air.



Ok, so I know what ya'll are thinking

"Why is this chapter in Shoto's POV? This's suppose to be in Izu's POV!"

Well, this chapter needs to be in his POV, seeing as what's in this chapter is very important for his character; And if it was in Izu's POV, then it would'nt be as good as it will be in Sho's POV.

So yee, enjoy this depressing shit



Shoto's POV


That word rang in my ears, like a doorbell. As if it was inside my head, bouncing around my spinning head. I couldn't think straight, all these damn questions were too much for my Anxiety ridden mind.

"Shoto, don't you want to answer these lovely people's questions?" Father walked up behind me, tightly gripping my shoulder. I looked up to see a smile on his face, as if he was a loving, encouraging father. But the look in his eyes tells a completely different story.

I anxiously took a sip of my Dr. Pepper, my eyes scanning the crowd. Most of the people are news reporters, all dressed in fancy attire. The others were various hero's, neighbors or just curious bystanders. Cameras were shoved in front oh each other, recording my every move. There's a large podium standing in front of me, several news station mics are stuck on said podium.

I slowly walked up to the podium, the onlookers grew silent. I took another sip of my Dr. Pepper, wetting my dry mouth. I placed my soda can down on the porch beside me, the half full can now gazing at me. "U-Um ... Hi?" I looked back up at the onlookers, my voice small compared to others. The news reporters were silent, their eager eyes meeting my scared ones. "S-So ... I'm guessing you all are here to ask me why I disappeared." I guessed the obvious, the reporters were all staring at me. They looked so hungry for content, as if they had no good stories to tell. I thought about what I'd say and how'd I say it. I mean, I'm gonna speak in front of a bunch of strangers that must have some negative opinion on this situation. This'll be hard.


"My father is Endeavor, a man who saves lives. Yet, he couldn't save his family."

"Throughout his hero carrier, he's always been number two. He wished to beat All Might, but, that never happened. So, he sought out a different way to fulfill this desire; To breed the perfect child, wishing that they'd do this for him. So, he married my mother, for her quirk and her quirk alone."

"They had three children before me, each child was pushed aside. Their quirks weren't strong enough, so they were deemed failures. Then, I came along, the victory child."

"My father planned my whole life out, from the moment I started to breathe. I was separated from my siblings, forced to live in a separate part of the house from the rest of my family. I would painfully train, day in and day out. I was all alone, my childhood gone."

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