Chapter 18 | Break In

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~~~ Last Chapter ~~~

The sound of sirens started to grow louder, my heartbeat got faster. My tears fell like a waterfall, my cries grew verbal. I started to shake violently, my fears started to become a reality for me.

"I'm sorry Shoto. I'm sorry. I love you. I love you so, so much. Please ... I'm sorry."


Shoto's POV

My heart feels like it stopped, I feel ice cold. The sirens are so fucking loud, it feels like the sirens are in my ears. Izu's words are ringing in my ears, my tears feel ice cold. His lips are pressed up against my forehead, his lips warming my cool skin.

I can hear the car doors opening and closer, the sounds of footsteps seemed like earthquakes. "I love you, so much." Izu sobbed, his tears dripped onto my face. I can hear the police shouting, wishing that we walk out or they'll bust down the door. My heart dropped to my stomach, my arms wrapped themselves around Izu's waist. "I love you too Izu." I buried my head in his chest, something banged on his front door. We both didn't move, we just sat here, holding each other. The banging eventually died down, leaving us in silence.

I can hear both of our heartbeats, the desperate pounding in perfect sync. I loosened my grip on Izu, letting him fall to my height.

His face is wet with tears, his lips trembling. His beautiful orbs are glossed over, tears flowing onto his freckle dusted cheeks.

We seemed to communicate without speaking, each wrapping our arms around each other. Holding each other close.

"Do ... Do yo-ou think the-ey'r-re gon-ne?" Izu asked me, his voice trembling. I was silent for a moment, listening for any sign of anyone else beside both Izu and myself. I have no idea where Inko is, she most likely fled out the fire escape. Most apartments, if not all of them, have fire escapes. Each fire escape is located in the master bedroom, which makes that chance highly possible. So, if she did flee out the window, she left both me and Izu to tremble in fear. She left us to deal with the impending doom we're facing. 

"I .... I dunno." I answered truthfully, a hand in his hair. His breath hitched when I answered, his grip on me grew tighter as well. I felt him bury his face in my neck, trying to sink deeper into me. I opened my mouth to say something, wanting to comfort him. But, I couldn't. Reason being is because someone blew up half of the living room.

The both of us flew back, the couch flipping on it's back. Izu hit the wall first, his head seemed to bounce off the drywall. I watched him fall to the floor, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. I hit the wall after him, my head hitting the wall as well.

Pain shot through my body, my head felt like it was throbbing. My ears rang, letting no sound flow through my ears. Darkness surrounded my eyes, the blurriness coming and going. I felt my limbs go numb, my fingers tingling.

I looked up to see Izu laying on the floor, not moving. Not even a twitch. I felt my heart skip a beat, my hand moved slightly. I reached out for my Izu, scooting over to my love. I called his name, my hand reaching his. I grabbed hold of his hand, gently squeezing the skin.

I called out his name, tears in my eyes. He didn't respond. I started to cry, fearing the worst. I called his name again, I got the same response. I felt my heart drop, my cheeks wet with tears. I tried to shake his limp body, trying to wake him up. He still didn't move. I began to scream his name, desperately trying to wake him. It still didn't work. I only caused the intruders to find us.

I saw a shadow move over top of us, sending a wave of panic inside my body. I looked up to see my father, glaring at the both of us. His piercing blue eyes held many emotions, the most prominent one is anger. So, so much anger. His arms are crossed over his chest, showing a sign of disappointment.

I glared at his stupid ass face, wishing that he'd burn to a crisp. I watched him lift his boot up in the air, letting it hover above my head. I glared at his boot, the same boot that beat the shit out of my mother.

My gaze met his, knowing what he wants to do. He wants to knock me out, like he did all those years ago. I heavily glared at him, my mouth moving.

I told him to do it


And he did.



I kinda have an idea on where this's going


I dunno how to write that idea



I'm fucked


I hope you guys have a good night, day, whatever it my be. I'll see you beautiful guys, girls and non binary peeps in the next chappie!

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