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~~~~One Year Later~~~~

~~~3rd Person POV~~~

A gentle woman walked down a semi empty sidewalk, giving the occasional passerby a smile and the wave of a hand. She held her purse close to her chest, even if she's walking through the nice part of town.

"These houses are so pretty." The woman whispered, gazing at the houses the surround her. Their white walls, coloured accents and beautifully cut lawns give a sense of serenity to the place, as if it was a safe haven. The woman took a mental note as to look for housing in the area and continued her journey, realizing that she had stopped walking once she began to walk once more.

Her pace began to slow as her journey grew longer and longer, the feeling of exhausting growing in her stomach. Soon, the woman realized that she should've taxied a ride instead of walking.

"617 ... 618 ... 619 ... 620." The poor woman started to count the numbers out of her tiredness, occupying her mind with the task. Once she got to 622 something clicked in her mind, she was close to her destination. She wasn't just close, she was hella close.

This made the woman quicker her pace, her eyes darting back and forth across the numbered houses. She felt excitement bubble in her chest, her hands now fiddling with her bag. It was if she was a kid in a candy store, bursts of glee jumping out as the child tastes each sucker and sweet.

"There it is!" She exclaimed, stopping in her tracks. Her eyes laid themselves on a blue and white home, the numbers 627 painted beside the front door. The lawn is perfectly manicured, and the furniture on the porch is so ... just so.

"I can't believe I'm here." The woman breathed out her words, her legs moving on their own. She walked through the perfect lawn, feeling completely out of place all of a sudden. Her excitement slowly started to wash away with each step, her dull green eyes darted from left to right, right to left.

It felt as if the whole street was eyeing this small, wispy woman and her Wal-Mart clothing. As if they were judging her TJ-Maxx purse and little to no amount of makeup. As if ... as if the whole entire world, was looking at her, and only her.

At this point she was directly in front of the front door, her body racked with anxiety. She thought of every possible scenario, every possible way that this could go wrong. Her mind is swirling, and her stomach is fluttering with butterflies. It's sickening, and she hates it.

'Just ... Just answer the d-door ... he ... he wants to s-see you.' The woman felt her entire being shake, her old habits surfacing once more. She felt her feet start to shuffle backwards, her body slowly moving further and further away from the door. 'No! Knock on the door!' Panic lumped in her throat, her head craning to see if anyone was looking. She looked back at the door and caught a glimpse of that familiar mop of red and white hair, watching the figure walk into the house and enter a random room. Seeing that familiar head of hair made all of her fears wash away, like the waves in a tide. The woman regained the distance she had before and knocked on the door, giving it three gentle but heavy bangs.

"Coming!" A familiar voice echoed from inside the house, sending a sense of warmth throughout the woman's face. She stepped back a few centimeters, running her fingers through her hair as she did so. 'Do I look alright? Is my hair messy, do my clothes look ok?' The woman asked herself, feeling her anxiety creep up her legs. She would've checked herself with her pocket mirror, but it was already too late; she could see that familiar red and white mixture walking her way. 'Act cool act cool!' The woman felt her panic reach full capacity, her sudden lack of youth smacking her pale face.

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