Chapter 10 | Hi, I'm Shoto

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~~~Last Chapter~~~

"You ready?" I asked, looking up at him. His beautiful eyes look like moons, orbiting the planet called his face. His bi coloured hair lets the moonlight bounce off of it, giving it some kind of heavenly glow. But, there's no smile on his face. Only a straight line on his perfect lips. "Yea." He nodded, glancing back down at me. His gaze held many emotions, but the one that stood out the most was love. "O-Ok .... let's go." I smiled, taking the first step forward.


Shoto's POV

'It's so quiet.'  I glanced over at Izuku, my shoulders tense. 'Should I say something?'  I let my gaze become locked on his hair, the way the green curls bounce on his head made me wanna touch them so bad. "Hey Shoto." Izuku broke the silence, pushing that burden off of my chest. "Yea?" I answered, looking up at the 3 flights of stairs we have to climb.

"If my mother seems a lil pushy or too cheerful, don't be scared. She get's excited whenever I bring friends over seeing as I ... don't really have friends." Izuku told me, the both of us starting the journey up the 3 flights of stairs. "I won't." I smiled softly, stealing a glance at him.

His gaze is down at his shoes, his hands clasped together. His thumbs are crossing over themselves, over and over again. His green curls are softly illuminated by the lamps hanging from above, giving it a slight orange hue. His freckled look like tiny stars, each shining in their own way. "Don't look like that, not everyone's a social butterfly. Besides, if someone doesn't appreciate your soft, adorable personality then they don't deserve to be your friend." I told him, patting his floofy curls. His green orbs met mine, his face beet red. "T-Thanks for the c-complement." He blushed, looking down at his shoes with shining eyes. I smiled softly, enjoying the look in his eyes. They look like they're glowing, as if they're moons; floating in the darkness of the space that surrounds them.

"F-Finally ... we're here." Izuku spoke, making me look up to see his front door, now only steps away. "Hallelujah, my feet were getting tired." I sighed with relief, reaching the doorway rather quickly. I watched Izuku grasp the doorknob, holding onto the golden colored knob for a lil while.

"Alright ... here we go." He sucked in a deep breath, turning the knob. The door flung open, revealing a bright house and a worried mother. "Izuku! My child! Oh I was so worried about you!" His mother exclaimed, wrapping her chubby arms around his torso. "H-Hi mum. Sorry for worrying you." Izuku smiled, trying to hug his mother back but failing cause she's holding his arms down. "Oh my child, what took you so long? You're usually back by sundown." She asked him, looking at him in the eyes. "I-I I-um ... I-I was S-Shoto." Izuku stuttered, tilting his head in my direction. "Shoto?" She turned her head in my direction, now fully facing me.

"Hi." I awkwardly waved at her, not knowing how she'll react. I watched her eyes widen, her green eyes seemed to glow with happiness. Her smile reached from each end of her face, as if she's a kid in the candy store. "You're the young man from this morning!" She pointed that out, making my face turn red. "Y-Yes ... th-that was-s me." I stuttered, looking down at my bare feet with burning ears. "Well, come in, come in. It must be pretty chilly out there." She encouraged me to come inside, which I did. Izuku followed behind me.

"Aw yea, nice and warm." Izuku smiled, closing the door behind us. "Was I not warm before?" I asked him, waiting for him and the towel. "You were warm! T-Trust me! I-It's just that ... I-I .... um." Izuku squeaked, his arms covering his face. I giggled softly, giving him a small, warm hug. "I understand Izuku, only your left side was warm, and I apologize." I whispered, leaning closer so that he can hear me clearly. "O-Ok." Izuku blushed, heat radiating off of his freckle dusted cheeks. I smiled and let go of him, facing his grinning mother. She didn't say anything, she just smiled. Which would normally be creepy, but it's actually really sweet.

"You two must be very hungry. I'll prepare dinner for the both of you." She smiled, heading into the delicious smelling kitchen. I glanced over at Izuku, who was doing the same. "W-We better h-head over to the table." Izuku told me, walking over to the kitchen table. I did the same.

We sat there for a few minuets, waiting on Izuku's mother to serve us. "Here we go, fresh, warm meatloaf." She entered the room, setting down two plates in front of us. The plates are full with steaming slices of meatloaf, warm peas and homemade mashed potatoes. "Thank you Ms. Midoriya" I thanked her, picking up my silverware. "Call me Inko. Ms. Midoriya makes me feel old." Inko smiled, pushing a green lock out of her face. "Sure thing Inko." I nodded slightly, giving her a warm smile.

~~~After Dinner~~~

"That was amazing." I smiled, placing my silverware down on my plate. "Agreed. Mum makes the best meatloaf." Izuku agreed, patting his flat stomach. "Thank you, I worked hard on it." Inko took our complements, her cheeks dusted pink. I stood up and grabbed our dirty dishes, taking them to the sink. "Oh, you don't have to do that. I'll wash the dishes." Inko spoke up, standing up from her spot. "No, I got it. You deserve to rest after all you've done." I refused her offer, turning on the sink.

"You really don't have to do this." Inko sighed, pushing her green bangs out of her face. "It's alright. I'm use to washing the dishes anyway." I turned her way, giving her a genuine smile. It wasn't long before she smiled back, her eye bags starting to show. "Go ahead and rest mum. We'll wash the dishes." Izuku spoke up, joining me in the dish washing fest. "Alright, don't work too hard you two." Inko finally gave up, a smile on her face. I watched her plop onto the couch, her eyes already closed.

"Your mum's really nice." I told Izuku, scrubbing the metal tray Inko used to make the meatloaf. "Yea, she's something." Izuku nodded, placing the clean dishes in the drying rack. "What'd you mean?" I asked him, turning to face him. I immediately noticed his eyes, they hold sadness and pain. His perfect pink lips are curled into a sad smile, making mine do the same. "My mother's the best mother I could ever ask for. She works day and night to keep us afloat, she rarely gets sleep; and when she does it's more or less up to four hours. She sacrificed her marriage to keep me, to not give me up. She's done so much for me and yet I've done nothing for her. I love her so much, and I wish I could do something for her. Sometimes I wonder if she regrets doing all of this for me." Izuku told me, tears prickling his eyes. I sighed, placing the soap soaked tray down.

"If your mother didn't love you, she wouldn't have done so much for you. Love and appreciate her, cause that's all she could ever ask for." I put my hands on his cheeks, letting words of wisdom flow out of my mouth. I watched him almost cry, tears millimeters from falling. "A-Alright ... will do." He sniffled, giving me a warm, loving smile. I felt my heart grow warm, as if there's a tiny fire in my chest. It didn't hurt, not at all. It felt nice, as if I'm curled up by the fireplace; All snuggled up in the blanket with a cup of hot coco. I like it like this, it feels good. It feels ... right.


Guys, it's 9:58 and my bedtime (don't ask) is 10


BTW I'm going camping this weekend so there's most likely gonna be no chapter on Monday/Tuesday

I'll probably update this chappie on Monday since I haven't over viewed this one

so yee

~~~Monday Night~~~

Hey guys! Future Eren here! I've over viewed this and it's alright. There's just a few things I changed

The next chappie will be up in a few


I hope you guys have a good night, day, whatever it may be. I'll see you beautiful guys, girls and non binary peeps in the next chappie!

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