Chapter 28 | Goodbye, and thank you, for everything

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~~~Last Chapter~~~

"Inko? What's wrong?"

"It-t's Izu-uku ... he's aw-wake."


Shoto's POV

"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck."


That's all I could think about.

My feet pounded against the concrete, people whizzing past me, like headlights on a highway. My lungs burned from how hard I've been running, but I didn't stop. I continued to run, not bothering to stop and look where I was going, who I was hitting, or the fact that I was freezing the pavement with each step.

Rain is falling all around me, drenching my clothes and wetting my hair. I feel heavy, my clothes weighing me down. I could barely breath, it feels like the moisture is choking me.

All I want to do is stop, stop and rest. But, I can't rest, not until I know what's wrong with my Izuku.

"Please be ok. Please be ok." I wheezed, white flashing in my eyes every so often. The need for rest grew as the hospital grew near, as if my body was telling me to turn away, to not enter, to never see my Izu again.

But, I didn't listen. I pushed past my fatigue, my mind choosing Izuku over myself.

Luckily, the hospital was within view at this point, giving me hope that I won't die. "Almost ... there." I can barely speak, my voice hoarse and throat dry. I felt my pace slow as the hospital was within walking distance, but I still ran none the less.

Once I grew within stride distance, I picked up my pace, why, I dunno.

I rushed past the barely open doors and dodged many weary patients, busy doctors and worried visitors. I rushed up to the front desk, allowing my body to collapse onto the clean counter top.

"Oh dear!" A nurse exclaimed, stepping back from where she stood. I took deep, laboured breaths, trying to compose myself before speaking.

"W-Where ... where is he?" I basically wheezed, my hand on my chest and weight on this unforgiving surface. "Wh-What was that dear?" The nurse asked me to repeat myself, her voice shaking softly. She's probably shaken from the scare I gave her, poor soul.

"W-Where ... where is ... I-Izuku ... Midoriya?" I looked up at the woman, tears blurring my vision. I could see her expression change, her soft pink lips frowned deeply, as if I did something wrong. "What's your name dear?" She drew closer, her hand disappearing from under the counter. "T-Todo ... Todoroki Sho ... Shoto." I breathed in, deeply, enjoying the sweet feeling of breathing air. My vision cleared as I watched a nurse walk up to her, whispering quiet words into her elf like ears.

She retreated her hands from beneath the desk, nodding at the other nurse. She rested her hands on the keyboard, her fingers flying across the pleasant sounding keys. She moved her mouse every so often, clicking here and there.

"He was moved into room 627 earlier today, I'd check there before anything else." She read what lies in front of her, her soft, red eyes flowing left to right. "A-Anything else?" I asked, my lungs enjoying these last few moments. "None that I can see." She looked up at me, her face clear as day.

Her face is small, her jaw as round as a circle. Her skin is pale, like a piece of paper. Her hair is snow white, like a dove's feather. Her cheeks are a rosy pink colour, just like her soft, plump lips. Her eyes are a soft red, like her shirt. Her ears are pointy, like an elf's. She's wearing silver piercings up her long ears, giving her a bit of character. She looks very young, possibly around my age.

My Hero | Version 1 | TodoDekuWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt