Chapter 12 | Lost Boy

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Casual sad song for you guys to cry along with



I forgot to mention this in the last chapter






Episode 15 has me


~~~Last Chapter~~~

"I-I see. I should've known, someone as beautiful can't swing this way. I'll ... I'll leave." Shoto moved back, tears already falling. I watched him stand up, ice on my bed. He grabbed his jumper that my mother had laid in here, putting it on in silence. He walked over to the doorway, his hand grasping it tightly. "Goodbye, Izuku." Shoto spoke, not looking back at me. I watched him walk out of my room, ice following suit.

My throat grew scratchy, my mouth dry and eyes watery. I felt something crack inside of me, as if glass chattered in my heart. I sat there for a moment, tears running down my face.

'What've I done ... I-I ... I have to go find him.'


Shoto's POV

'Why ... Why'd I think that'll work? Like someone as wonderful as him could love me.' I cried, my head pounding. I continuously wiped my teary eyes, blinding walking down these unknown streets. The only way I could see was the dim streetlights, hanging above me. My vision slowly vanished, my tears blurring my sight to nothing. I kept on walking, not caring where I end up.

I felt a cool breeze brush past me, ignoring my presence. I shivered rather violently, feeling cooler than usual. I crossed my arms, feeling cold as fuck. "J-Jes-sus Chr-rist." I shivered, my tears now ice cold. I can see my breath some how, the wind blowing the puff of air away. 'This's punishment for letting someone in.' I told myself, not using my quirk to heat myself up. Instead, I let it slowly freeze me.

The smell of salt started to fill my nose, making me realize where I've been unconsciously heading; The beach.

The sound of the waves crashing grew closer and closer, causing a pit in my stomach to form. To think the both of us were here a few hours ago, both happy and oblivious to what was to come. The hills of trash came into view, the small maze was more like a hallway now. I slowly made my way to that hallway, my pace slower than before. I slowly slithered through the narrow piles of trash, finding my way to the shore.

'The moon's gone. Looks like it doesn't wanna see my ugly face.' I looked up to see a heavily clouded sky, blocking the moon and stars. I walked over to the water, my legs shaking. I stopped right in front of the water, the salty mist hitting my face. I sat down right in front of the crashing waves, feeling the salty mist hit my shivering body. I laid back, my back hitting the cold ground. With closed eyes I let my mind wonder across the world, my thoughts darker than the night sky.

'Why did I think he'd love me? No one loves me. Not even my own mother loves me. My siblings hate me, my father hates me and now Izuku hates me. Why did I come here? Should I go to the bridge? No, I'll lay here. I'll encase myself in ice, no one deserves to deal with me. I don't even deserve a funeral. I deserve to be at the bottom of the ocean. I don't deserve to live. I deserve to die. Die. Die you worthless piece of shit.' Ice covered my body, starting from my feet and moving upwards. My body slowly grew numb, the ice slowly eating at me. The ice is now at my chest, breathing's getting harder by the second.

'It's better this way. I'll hurt no one ever again.' The ice reached my neck, my adam's apple pressing against the solid surface. I opened my eyes for one last time, gazing at the starry night sky. I smiled softly, the moon finding it's way through the clouds. The stars slipped through the clouds, revealing it's secrets to all who can see. "Now I can sleep tranquil." I whispered, the ice circling my face. I felt the ice go over my face, no fear in my body. My breaths grew closer and slower until ...  

It was dark.



That shit was depressing

Don't worry tho, Peter Pan will find his Tinker Bell, just wait


I hope you guys have a good night, day, whatever it may be. I'll see you beautiful guys, girls and non binary peeps in the next chappie!

Edit: Hey my doods

Just giving a quick shout out to a wonderful reader who made me cry from the loving comment they gave me

Shout out to @ThatOneJarOfDirt

You don't know how much I appreciate and love that comment my dood

I cried for 5 minuets straight

Once again, for the 3rd time, thank you.

No, thank you all.

I couldn't have come this far w/out u guys.


Much love

Such waow


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