Chapter 11 | About earlier

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~~~Last Chapter~~~

"If your mother didn't love you, she wouldn't have done so much for you. Love and appreciate her, cause that's all she could ever ask for." I put my hands on his cheeks, letting words of wisdom flow out of my mouth. I watched him almost cry, tears millimeters from falling. "A-Alright ... will do." He sniffled, giving me a warm, loving smile. I felt my heart grow warm, as if there's a tiny fire in my chest. It didn't hurt, not at all. It felt nice, as if I'm curled up by the fireplace; All snuggled up in the blanket with a cup of hot coco. I like it like this, it feels good. It feels ... right.


Izuku's POV

"Woo, that felt like it lasted for forever." I yawned, stretching my mocha arms over my head. "Agreed. The plates seemed to keep on coming." Shoto agreed, following me into my bedroom. "Well, I forgot to wash this dishes after all." I shrugged slightly, scratching my floofy head. Shoto smiled softly, yawning rather loudly. "Yawns are infectious, huh?" I asked, moving a few All Might figurines off of my desk. "Yes, they are." Shoto nodded, sitting down on my bed. I put some figurines away in a box, putting them out of sight, out of mind.

I sat down next to him afterwards, watching him look around at my room. "You ... really like All Might." Shoto looked back at me, a small smile on his face. "Y-Yea ... he's my favorite hero after all." I felt heat overcome my face, embarrassed at how much memorabilia I have. "It's nice. It shows how much you care about him." Shoto gave off some heat, his smile now a little bigger. I felt my heart skip a beat, my face fell flush. "Yea, I guess it does." I smiled softly, laying back in my bed.

Silence filled the air, leaving only our soft breaths to fill our ears. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a peaceful silence. As if the air was full of Jasmine, relaxing us through the scent alone. Shoto laid back as well, quietly resting beside me. I felt his hand brush up against mine, causing my face to flush. His body started to give off heat, making my body relax. "This feels nice." I mumbled under my breath, enjoying the heater that is my friend. My eyes were already closed, my relaxation at it's peak.

We sat here for a solid 5 minuets, enjoying the silence. But, all good things come to an end. Shoto sat up, the heat leaving the both of us. I opened my eyes to meet a worried and thoughtful face, his eyes glossed over with several emotions. "Shoto ... you alright?" I asked him, sitting up to face him. Well, he's taller than my by some centimeters, so it's more like my face to his neck. His dark grey and crystal blue eyes met my green ones, his eyes glossed with some emotion that I wish I could name.

"What happened between us earlier?" He asked me, his question vague. "What'd you mean earlier?" I knitted my eyebrows, wishing to know what he meant. "On the bench. Outside." He cleared it up for me, memories came rushing by me. "O-Oh." I felt my face grow warm, my heart started to go doki doki.

"Well?" He raised his eyebrow, moving closer to me. I slowly scooted away from him, and he scooted closer to me. Next thing I know I'm pinned up against my bedroom wall; His right hand pressed up against the wall, right beside my head. I felt my mouth go dry, my mind going haywire. I mean, yes I'm gay but ... do I truly have feeling for him? I only met him a day or two ago, and yet we're closer than Kacchan and myself.

I opened my mouth, but no words escaped. I tried to tell him, but I cat had got my tongue. Shoto gently grasped my chin, pulling my face closer to his. "Please ... tell me. I need to know Izuku. Please." Shoto pleaded, his eyes half lidded. I opened my mouth once more, only a tiny, voice came out. "I-I .... I ... I d-don't ... I-I." I stuttered, my voice hoarse even tho I haven't done anything to strain it. I desperately searched for my words, tripping and falling over my words as they tumbled out of my mouth. I watched his eyes become glossed with tears, blood draining from his face.

"I-I see. I should've known, someone as beautiful can't swing this way. I'll ... I'll leave." Shoto moved back, tears already falling. I watched him stand up, ice on my bed. He grabbed his jumper that my mother had laid in here, putting it on in silence. He walked over to the doorway, his hand grasping it tightly. "Goodbye, Izuku." Shoto spoke, not looking back at me. I watched him walk out of my room, ice following suit.

My throat grew scratchy, my mouth dry and eyes watery. I felt something crack inside of me, as if glass chattered in my heart. I sat there for a moment, tears running down my face.

'What've I done ... I-I ... I have to go find him.'


Ok, so turns out my camping trip was a 1 night thing. As in I got there on Saturday and got home on Sunday

Luckily I finished this chappie at 9:30 at night


Also, FUCK camping

I went to Jordan Lake in NC and it rained


My tent fucking flooded so my brother and I slept in our 2003 Lexis.

I want death.

~~~Monday Night~~~

Still want death

At least this chapter's done

Well, I better get back to writing



I hope you guys have a good night, day, whatever it may be. I'll see you beautiful guys, girls and non binary peeps in the next chappie!

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