Chapter 26 | Answers pt. 2

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~~~Last Chapter~~~

"Are you ready?" Jiro asked, looking up at him one last time.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Todoroki's POV

Ba Dum

She clicked something on her computer, a tiny sound escaping the device.

"Alright, first thing's first. I need you name, age and immediate family." Jiro told me, cracking her fingers before resting them on her keyboard.

"My name is Todoroki Shoto, I'm fifteen and my immediate family consist of my mother, father and two older siblings." I answered her question er ... rather then, demand, giving her what she wants. Her fingers flew across her keyboard, sending words across her pure white screen.

"Are you sure that is all?" She looked back up at me, giving me a quizzical look. "Yes. I have no other siblings as far as I know." I nodded, adding more words to my report.

"Describe your immediate family, including their full name, age and occupation."

"My mother is Todoroki Rei, her age is unknown to me. From what I remember, she had shoulder length hair, the colour is the same as my left side. Her eyes are the same as my grey eye, her eyelashes were long as well. She's resided in a mental hospital since I was around six. From my memory, she was very nice, and often cried."

"My father is Todoroki Enji, he's 43 years old and his occupation is Pro Hero. He's tall and muscular, his hair is the same as my right side and his eyes are the same blue as mine. He's a complete asshole."

"My older sister is Todoroki Fuyumi, she's 22 and works as a teacher. She has shoulder length hair that's white with natural red streaks. Her eyes are blue and she's shorter than me. She's naturally nervous and sometimes fidgety."

"My older brother is Todoroki Natsuo, he's 19 and is a college student. He has short white hair and has grey eyes. He's care free and he cares deeply, but resembles father at the root of it all."

"And you?"

"I'm Todoroki Shoto, my age is fifteen and my occupation is student. The right side of my head has white hair whilst the left side has red hair. My right eye is grey and my left one is blue. There's a reddened scar over my left eye, ranging from my hairline to my cheek."

"What's your relations to Midoriya Izuku and his mother?"


"I ... Oh Jesus, how'd I say this .... It's ... complected ... to say the least." I felt my heart drop, my eyes darting to my hands. I felt my hands twitch in a nervous nature, as if I was embodying my sister.

"Oh?" Officer Jiro raised an eyebrow, looking up from her bright screen.

I nodded and took a sip of my drink, preparing myself from my upcoming novel.

"Well, my life as been anything but easy. My mother was selected from a line of women, my father wishing to 'create' a powerful linage in hopes to make a child that'll surpass All Might. My sister was born first, and declared a failure very quickly. My brother was the same. But me, I was different. My father saw potential with me and immanently took advantage of it."
"He separated me from my siblings, who were raise apart from me. I was raised ... normally up until I was five, in which my father started to brutally train me, day in and day out. I would push myself until I burnt or froze my skin. My mother tried her best to raise my spirits, doing things from cooking me my favourite meals to playing games with me in every moment she could."
"As I trained, she tried to intervene in every way she could, pulling me away from him, making excuses and what not. But, my father saw through her ways and physically abused her, hitting and kicking her whilst calling her names. So naturally, her mental state took a turn for the worst."
"Her mental state deteriorated very quickly, causing her to have fits of unexplained madness. I remember her crying very often, mostly from the trauma she was induced with. All of her madness eventually boiled over into one incident, an incident that basically changed everything."
"She was cooking in the kitchen, boiling water for the noodles she was about to cook. She was talking to her mum, telling her about that days dose of trauma, and I overheard her as I walked by. So, I stopped and ease dropped, listing to her talk about my father. She spoke about how she hate to look at him, and that my left side is beginning to make her see him in me."
"At this point I couldn't take it, so I spoke, calling out her name as leaned into the doorway. When she turned around, she was my left side and snapped, she grabbed the boiling water and flung it onto my face, burning my eye."
"After that, everything went to shit. My training got ten times worse, my mother was sent to a mental asylum and my siblings grew negative towards me. They tried to act nice for the longest time, but they eventually stopped after a certain point."
"During all of this, my mental state started to deteriorate as well. I became depressed, severely depressed. This turned into suicidal thoughts, cutting and such, which accumulated into me leaving the house a few nights ago, wishing to jump off Lucky Bridge."
"I got to the bridge at about 1 or so, ready to jump. But, before I jumped, I met Izuku. He told me not to jump, saying that there's someone who cares for me. I didn't listen and jump, but he chased after me. Somehow, someway, he managed to toss the both of us away from the water, making the both of us tumble onto the ground beside us."
"Afterwards, he took me to his house and comforted me, befriending me in the process. And ... the rest is history from there." I explained the last week or so in a spoken novel, my eyes landing on the people beyond the window. I watched couples walk by, their hands interwoven and smiles genuine. It made my heart ache, I felt my body yearn for his touch, my eyes cry for his smile and my lip tremble for his kisses.

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