Chapter 13 | I Love You

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~~~Last Chapter~~~

'It's better this way. I'll hurt no one ever again.' The ice reached my neck, my adam's apple pressing against the solid surface. I opened my eyes for one last time, gazing at the starry night sky. I smiled softly, the moon finding it's way through the clouds. The stars slipped through the clouds, revealing it's secrets to all who can see. "Now I can sleep tranquil." I whispered, the ice circling my face. I felt the ice go over my face, no fear in my body. My breaths grew closer and slower until ...

It was dark.


Izuku's POV

Anxious, worried and sad, this what I feel. I let Shoto run off, into a dark and new place for him. I didn't even get to tell him how I feel, now I've drug my mother out of bed to find him. "I'm such a bad friend." I sniffled, the small trail of ice getting bigger every so often. "Don't say that Izuku. He just didn't give you long enough to speak your feelings." Mum spoke quietly, rubbing small circles on my clothes back. "H-He gave me plenty time t-to tell him. I-I just couldn't spit it o-out." I started to cry, the flashlight moving as my hands shook. "Oh baby, don't cry. We'll find him, ok? He'll be just fine." Mum stopped us, giving me a warm, loving hug. When I felt her warm embrace, I almost lost it. It felt so much like his hug, so warm and loving.

I didn't say a word, I just pulled away from my mother and wiped my teary eyes. Mum sighed and just backed away, not saying anything else. I'm extremely worried about him, no hug or comforting words can fix that. And she understands that. But that doesn't mean it's frustrating.

We continued to follow the ice trail, the trail got thicker and thicker as time went on. "Where're you going Shoto?" I mumbled under my breath, the air growing thick with tension.

I smelt the slight smell of salt in the air, causing me to stop dead in my tracks. 'Please god no.'  I felt my heart fill up with fear, the bridge's a few meters away. "Izuku, are you alright?" Mum asked me, turning back to face me. "The bridge is a few meters away." I told her, my eyes wide. Her face turned pale, her hand covering her mouth. "Oh no, you don't think." Mum asked, tears prickling my eyes. I moved the flashlight upwards, seeing it move in the direction of the beach. "Oh thank god. He went to the beach." I sighed in relief, walking up to mum. "Oh thank goodness." Mum put her hand on her heart, colour returning to her face.

We walked with the ice to see the beach, the same beach I train on. The air around us is thick, thick and cold. "W-Wh-hy is i-it so co-old?" Mum shivered, wrapping her arms around her upper body, desperately wanting warmth. "I-It's Sho-oto's qui-irk." I told her, slinking into the narrow trash hallway. Mum didn't say anything else, she just stayed behind me. I didn't hear her footsteps behind me, I turned back to see her red face; Her hips had gotten stuck in the opening. "I'll st-stay he-ere. You go-o get Sho-oto." Mum blushed, slowly pushing herself out of the opening. I nodded silently, continuing my journey across the ice covered sand.

The ice covered sand slowly expanded, guiding me to the opening that leads to the shore. "Sh-Shoto? Sho ... no." I reached the shore, looking up to see Shoto, encases in ice. The ice is slowly growing, freezing the ocean waves and piles of sand. "SHOTO!!!" I screamed, running over to him. I almost fell twice and fell once, but I couldn't care less. He encased himself in ice.

"SHOTO! SHOTO GET OUT OF THERE!" I screamed, reaching the steadily growing ice. I fell onto the ice, hitting my knee on the cold surface. It hurt, but I didn't say anything, nor did I express any pain. "SHOTO! SHOTO!" I shouted, banging on the ice. It hurt like hell, but I kept going. "SHOTO! SHOTO PLEASE! PLEASE!" Hot tears started to run down my face, I was starting to lose hope. "GET OUT OF THERE! PLE-EA-ESE!" I sobbed, my blows on the ice grew weaker and weaker. "P-Please .... co-ome out. I ne-eed you." I whispered, my voice hoarse. I let my hand come down one more time, hot tears dripping down my face. I let my head rest on the ice case, my tears cascading off of my face and onto the ice.

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