Chapter 24 | Officer Akitoshi

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~~~Last Chapter~~~
'This ... this isn't .... this isn't real! It can't be real ... It can't be.' I felt my heart shatter, my whole entire world came tumbling down as the situation set in.
He's on death's doorstep ... and it's my fault.
It's all my fault.

"Izu ... I'm .... I'm so sorry."

~~~Set up for today's chapter~~~

After Shoto found Izu, he rushed him to the hospital. Izu's been taken to the ICU/Intensive Care Unit and has been there for almost two weeks. Shoto was given a private waiting room for free.
He's been sitting in there for the entire time he's been at the hospital, and is currently waiting on an interview with a certain someone.
Got it?

~~~Now we can begin~~~

3rd Person POV

A red and white haired boy rests in a waiting room, his mind drifting into space.
The room he rests is is nice, the colour scheme is a peacful array of blues, whites and blacks.
A book is laying on a table beside him, the pages facing the table. His feet are kicked up on the coffee table in front of him, his head leaning back.
His wandering mind has caused his conscious to wander as well, making him drift in and out of a peacful sleep.
He tried his damnest to stay awake, he really did.
But, the Sandman isn't fooled twice.
A gentle woman stood in front of a door, a nervous look in her dark purple eyes. She fiddled with her violet bangs, pushing them to the side of her round face.
'Come on Akitoshi, you can do this.' The woman silently encouraged herself, gazing down at the silver doorknob. She let her hand fall to her side, butterflies in her gut.
"I can do this." She whispered, looking back up at the door. She took in a deep breath, gaining the smallest bit of confidence. She fixed her bag once last time, pulling the violet strap up to her shoulder.
The woman knocked on the door, her knock coming out softer than what she intended. She stood back from the door, straightening her posture.
The woman stood there for about five minuets, waiting for her client to answer the door.
'Where is he? Is he even in there?' The woman groaned internally, letting her head fall backwards a small bit. She stepped closer to the door, going for another attempt.
'The guys better not have pulled one on me.' She pushed hair out of her face, feeling a sense of frustration grow in her head. She pulled her bag up once more, opening the bag once it was on her shoulder.
She dialed her friend's number, wanting to confirm something before she knocks once more.
"Hey Han, it's Akitoshi."
"Hey Aki, what's up?"
"You remember the job that the boss assigned me, right?"
"Yea, the Todoroki one, right?"
"Yea, can you check on his location? I'm unsure if he's really at the hospital."
"Aki, you know you can ask the nurses, right?"
"I know, but even if I ask them, I'll still be unsure."
"Aki, just go ask them. Not every hospital is the same."
"Han, please. You know me."
"*Sigh* Alright, I'll check."
"Thank you Han."
"No problem Aki."
"Ok, so the books say that he's been residing at the Midoriya household while he's not at the hospital. His private waiting room is number 293 and he been said to stay there almost like clockwork. I'd check one more time before you go to the Midoriya residence."
"Thanks Han, I owe ya."
"No problem Aki."
The woman placed her phone back in her bag, her friend's words ringing in her ears.
"Not every hospital is the same."
A shiver went down her spine, those same dark memories floating into her mind.
A dark haired teen stood outside of a hospital, the night young. The girl pulled her black hood up, hiding her young face from passerbye's.
She reached into her pocket, pulling out a package of cigarettes. Her cigarettes are L&M Blue 100's, a 'light' kind of cigarette.
She turned the box upside down, banging the top of it against her hand. Once she found the box to be thoroughly beaten, she popped open the box, taking out a single cigarette in the process.
The teen put the cigarette in between her lips, placing the cigarette pack back in her pocket. She pulled a violet lighter out of the other pocket, her free hand now holding her cigarette. She put the lighter up to the cigarette and struck it, lighting her cigarette.
She sucked in her breath, taking in a breath full of nicotine. Her shoudlers relaxed once she tasted the nicotine, her eyes closed in a serene manner.
"Fuckin' aye man." She groaned softly, taking in another hit of her cig. She leaned her head back as she blew out the smoke, gazing up at the sky.
"Tough day?" A familiar voice, her friend Han, asked, a cig in his hand as well.
"Yea, custmers were so fucking needy." She nodded, waving at him without looking his way. "Well, selling drugs douesn't help either." Han answered, giving her a side glace. "A bitch's gotta make money somehow." She shruged, puffing out smoke again.
"Aki, you gotta get your shit together." Han grumbled, looking down at his phone screen. "Like hell I do." Aki remarked, taking in more nicotine. "Your fucked like is gonna bite you in the ass. Get it together before shit hit's the fan." Han hissed, giving her a angry side look.
"Fuck no. My life is just fine." Aki growled, glaring at him for saying such things, puffing out smoke as she spoke.
"Aki, your sister is gonna get wrapped up in this shit too if it keeps gong!" Han now turned to her, raising his voice at the girl. "You shut your mouth Han! I've done well keeping her out of this shit! I've kept her healthy, paid her hospital bills and given her a happy life! And I'll be damned if she get's wrapped up into it! So shut the fuck up!" Aki threw her cig down, picking her friend up by his collar.
"Aki, you know you can't keep her safe for forever." Han raised his hands up, being as honest as he can. "SHUT UP!" Aki's now screaming, her anger fuming. "Aki, I'm telling you to stop while you're ahead. Please, listen." Han now is fearful, knowing how hard his friend can hit. "FUCK YOU HAN!" She screamed, puching her friend in his face.
She let him drop to the floor, holding his throbbing nose. She quickly rushed back into the hospital, wishing to get away from him. "Damn Han, always wanting me to quit. Doesn't he know me by now?" Aki mumbed, entering the hospital via scan card.
She walked into the hospital to be met with pure choas. Nurses were running around, panicked expressioned as they ran between paitents. Doctors furiously wrote on clipboards, stressful looks on their faces. Secutry guards stand at each hospital door, each holding a gun and a sheild.
"What in the hell." Aki looked around, staring at the loud, choaotic nature of the place. She was surprised that no one noticed a dark clothed teen out of the brightly coloured nurses. But, it made sense.
"Hey, what's going on here?" Aki pulled a nurse aside, pulling her hood down as she spoke.
"T-There was a breach in the security! S-Someone was t-taken! I-I have to check n my p-paitents!" The nurse spoke, her voice quivering in fear, her eyes darting left and right. "Breach? Where and who?" Aki asked for more, looking around for clues. "T-The third f-floor. T-They said it w-was a little girl with c-cancer." The woman stuttered in a quick manner, her hands twitching nervously.
'That's where Mika is.' Aki felt her heart drop, already fearing the worst.
"Thank you miss." Aki released the nurse, rushing over to the elevator. She stopped in her tracks once she saw the sign, it was turned off for the 'lock down'.
"Fuck." She hissed, whipping her head around. She let her gaze fall on the stairs, which was surprsingly open and unguarded. Aki took her chances and rushed up the stairs, running up the 3 flights as if it was nothing.
'Please be ok, please be ok!' Aki reached the 3rd floor, her heart pounding. She ran out of the stairwell, finding that the place is swarming with cops, specifically American cops. 'Please not her.' Aki ran past the cops, ignoring their shouts and attempts to stop her. She swirved past mutiple men and woman, both sliding and hopping over evidence and people.
"Oh shit." She stopped in her tracks, her eyes landing on a long line of police tape. "No." Her eyes drifted up, stopping on a certain door. Her sisters door.
The door is bashed inward, the wooden block broken on the floor. A pool of blood is in the doorway, footsteps leading away from the puddle. She could see the insides of the room, how everything is broken and dishevled. But, she could see the worst of it all.
She could see the hospital bed, empty and turned over.
"No. Please no. Not her." The teen dropped to her knees, tears flooding her face. She felt the whole world come crumbling down around her. She didn't notice the angered police, the curious patients or the non stop questions.
All she could think about was one thing.
'This's all my fault'
"Ma'am, are you alright?" A soft, feminine voice rang from the background, causing the woman to blink away her memories.
"Huh?" Aki turned, facing a concerned nurse. "I asked if you're alright. You're crying miss." The nurse repeated herself, adding on a few more words to her sentences.
The woman put her hand up to her face, feeling a familiar warm liquid drench her puffy pink cheeks. "I-I'm fine. I just ... remembered something is all." She gave the nurse a weak smile, pulling up her violet bag strap. "Are you sure?" The nurse asked once more, noticing the woman's weak and workwore look in her eyes.
"I assure you that I'm alright. There's no need to worry about me." Aki brightened up her mood, making her smile wider and fuller. The nurse looked very unsure, but she took Aki's word. She silently walked away from Aki, heading towards the front desk with a frown.
Aki brushed off the confrontation, thinking that the nurse thought that she was crazy. She looked back at the door, an uneasy feeling in her gut. She looked back down at her phone, the screen somehow still on. Her call log is still on, Han's name in bright green on the top.
'I'd check one more time'
"You can do this." She whispered, puffing up her chest in an attempt to gain confidence. She walked up to the door, her hand hovering over the wood.
"Not every hospital is the same." She let those words slip from her mouth, lips trembling softly. She took in a deep breath and knocked on the door, giving it a heafty bang.
She stepped back from the door, her chest puffed and eyes shining.
This is her chance, her chance to redeem herself. Not only to her friends, or her employees, but to her family.
To her sister who she had ripped away from her, due to her own fuck ups.
She's gonna show the world that she's better than that teen from years ago.
That's she's a strong woman who's let go of her past, and has improved from her mistakes.
She will do this, and accomplish her goals.
Even if it costs her her life.
Holt shit, I didn't entend Akitoshi to have her own chapter.
I just wanted her to be a one off side chartacter
Now she's a half fleshed character with a semi made backstory and a whole chapter just for her
I hope you guys like this tho
It was more or less a 'filler episode'

I hope you guys had a Happy New Year
No lie, I slept through the ball drop and didn't sleep after 3 am
Starting 2019 off strong
Anywho, I'll let you guys go
Have a good day, night, whatever it may be. I'll see you beautiful guys, girls and non binary peeps in the next chapter.

My Hero | Version 1 | TodoDekuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن