Chapter 1

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Victor's POV

I had finally escaped from Neverland.

I have been told that it was impossible to leave that island without Pan's permission, but I managed to escape that dreadful place thanks to a pirate.

A cocky pirate who I have learned had much hatred for Peter Pan and his sister. Not to mention that this pirate was Rae's older brother.

Oh, my day just kept getting better and better.

I filled the one handed pirate with eerie words that may have had his life on the line and gave him a rolled up piece of paper. He unrolled the paper and the hatred for Pan grew in Killian's dark blue eyes.

I have to give Pan credit thought, it is easier to get people to hate something than to believe.

The pirate and I made a simple deal when it came to him sneaking me onto his ship without Pan noticing. And it was all thanks to his girlfriend for being a wonderful distraction.

A long journey that I had to go on since my magic was weakened. Pan may have weakened my magic, but I still have a big mouth with lots of tea to spill.

The grand double doors opened to reveal his highness. He welcomed me with clenched fists, cold eyes, and gritted teeth like he was trying to control himself from hurting someone.

Probably me.

" You ruined everything! " , he roared slamming his fist on the table.

I slowly sipped my drink and placed it down carefully on the table. I titled my head slightly before swirling my finger around the tip of the glass.

" That is false. " , I stated.

" You allowed Pan to capture you and prison you! And you were stupid enough to leave the dang island so he could track you down! " , the man exclaimed angrily.

" With all due respect your highness, but didn't you hire me for a reason? " , I asked with my hands folded together under my chin.

" And I was foolish enough to rely on your trickery ways. " , he gritted his teeth.

" Well, whether you believe me or not, I did my job. I did my part of the deal. " , I spoke in a bored tone with crossed arms.

" How so? " , he asked sourly.

" I may have not been able to take over Neverland as you instructed me to do, but I have found some valuable information that you might been interested in. " , I grinned evilly.

" And what is that? " , the man asked eagerly.

" Poor Ireland has lost their precious princess and prince due to mysterious events. The kingdom of Ireland fell into your hands easily. " , I stated clearly while drumming my fingers on the table. " You want power, you want treasures and riches, you want to be worshipped by the people, you want to be the hero and " defeat " Pan's wicked aways. You want a lot of things. "

The irritated man grabbed my collar harshy with his clenched fist. His dark eyes piercing through my soul.

" I don't have time for a story. I just want the tea so spill it! " , he demanded harshly before releasing me.

I huffed before lightly dusting off my shoulders and standing up straight. My arms behind my back as I circled the impatient ruler slowly.

" I have found Ireland's beloved princess and prince. Both of the selfish brats put their dreams and wishes first instead of their kingdom and duties. " , I recalled.

" That's impossible. " , he muttered.

" Prince Killian of Ireland is now a one handed pirate with a drinking problem. A villian he plays in the fairytale world also known as Captain Hook. Princess Raegan of Ireland goes by Rae in Neverland. The girlfriend of Pan and the bloody demon's whole world of happiness. " , I stated.

" That's a lie. " , he spat out.

I magically made a file appear in my hand. I approached the greedy man and taunted him by swaying the file back and forth in front of his face.

" Do you want to see? " , I taunted.

" Give me that. " , he said sternly before snatching the file from my hand.

His eyes moved from left to right indicting that he was reading each word carefully. His pupils only widened as fear displayed on his face.

" I'm sure the Irish people would love to have their prince and princess back. " , I said.

" They don't deserve the throne. I'm the only rightful ruler of Ireland. " , he sneered greedily.

" But I'm sure Raegan and Killian would make wonderful puppets for the kingdom of Ireland to look up to. " , I suggested.

An evil smile was plastered on his face.

" Indeed. " , he darkly said.

" Killian has a strong hatred for Pan. Pan has a strong hatred for Killian. Rae is in love with Pan. Pan is in love with Rae. Neverland is all connected to that. " , I clarified.

" And you are back to your trickery ways. " , he darkly chuckled.

" Well, all I had to do was rely on Killian's hatred for Pan and then everything else will fall into place. " , I said with a sly smile.

" Now that's what I am talking about! " , he exclaimed cheerfully.

" Now don't get too excited, your highness. This is Pan we are messing with, so things may not go according to plan. " , I warned him.

He crossed his arms and gave me a death glare.

" Pan is a brilliant leader with a strong leadership backbone, but I just want to test the waters and see which side he takes. Everyone has a good and evil side, so let's see how this will play out. " , I darkly chuckled.

" Your plan better work. " , he said firmly before leaving the room to attend other duties.

Oh, my plan will work.

I played Pan's games, now it's his turn to play mine.

A/N: Different POV to spice things up for this book 😊 Do you have any idea who the mysterious person may be?

Stay tune for more! 💕

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