Chapter 32

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Rae's POV

Killian and I rode in the big, black carriage and sat across from one another. My face was glued to the window of the vehicle as my eyes watched whatever scenery we came across. The sight of the village was interesting due to the fact that I had never visited the villages when I was little. The Irish villagers seem to carry on with their lives running businesses or looking at products at markets, but most of them had their eyes on us. I assumed that they have never seen the royal carriage.

After leaving the village, we were surrounded by many shades of green. The forest was filled with trees that came in all different shapes and sizes with different shades of green. A few flowers were seen on the side of the trail as I admired the beauty of Ireland's landscape. We passed a few farmlands and seen low mountain ranges in the distance. I smiled at the thought of being back home.

" Killian, how could you miss this wonderful view of our home? ", I asked my brother who was mostly focused on shining his hook with his hankerchief.

" I don't really care. ", he muttered

" This is our homeland, how could you not care about it? ", I scolded him.

" It's not my homeland anymore. ", Killian said bluntly. " I left Dublin for a reason and wish to having to do nothing with this city nor Ireland. I may be Irish, but Ireland is not my home anymore. "

I frowned at my brother's statement before sitting back down. I stayed quiet while my brain tried to process his words. I played with my hands nervously.

" You are a prince, Killian. If father and mother aren't king and queen anymore then you must take the rightful heir to the throne. ", I stated

His blue eyes looked up giving me a cold glare. He slowly placed the hankerchief down and displayed his hook towards me.

" I am no prince. I never was. " , he said coldly. " I left Deblin because I was forced to live a life that I didn't want to live. I never wanted to be a prince as a kid, my dream was to become a pirate. And I was determined to follow my own dreams. And look where I am. I am the captain of my dream ship with a loyal pirate crew that sails from sea to sea to seek adventure and trouble. I am living my dream right now and I don't plan on throwing it away just because a crown needs to be placed on my head so I can rule a country. "

" So what about me? I can't rule a country either. I'm not the rightful heir, ", I agrued.

" Well Rae, you must follow own your dreams. The real question is: do you really want to spend the rest of your life ruling a country with no idea on what to do or would you rather go out into the world and explore its beauty. " , Killian asked me

My big mouth was ready to defend my love for my country, but nothing came out of my mouth. I don't know where I stand. My brain tells me to do the right thing by taking the throne, but my heart tells me something else.

" I don't know. ", I said quietly.

" Then that's for you think about. ", he spoke before giving me a small smile.

I slowly nodded before I started to play with the charms on my bracelet. I faintly smiled seeing the message that gives me hope of what I am to do in this world. It gave me some comfort. I felt the carriage stop and heard voices talking outside. My eyes looked in awe at the sight of the castle. The castle that was my home. It was a grand castle with creamy bricks and light gray decorations. The Ireland flag stood proud and tall on top of the towers and guards were scattered everywhere. It seems that nothing has changed.

My eyes were focused on the sight of the castle that I hadn't realized that the carriage moved again. I saw guards standing on post once we were able to get past the gates and smiled faintly as memories flooded my mind. Killian glanced at the view as well, but with an uninterested look. The carrriage stopped and I took a deep breath before fixing my appearance. With a few minutes, the door opened and I stepped out first and then Killian. We stood side by side in front of the huge double doors.

" Here we go. ", I whispered to Killian.

" Let's get this over with. ", he muttered.

Killian held my hand as the double doors opened and we walked inside. I gasped seeing the familarity of inside the castle seeing that nothing has changed. I let go of Killian's hand and laughed as I spun around in excitement wanting to roam around the halls and touch everything like a little kid would. It felt like forever since I was back home.

" Miss Rae Jones and Captain Killian Jones? ", a maid questioned as she approached us.

" Yes. ", Killian confirmed before holding my hand again.

" Follow me. ", she said before walking away.

I smiled excitingly wanting to nothing more than to run into my parents' arms. I knew there would be lots of questions and concerns, but all I wanted was to be in their arms. I hadn't realized that I missed my parents when I felt my eyes get watery, but I blinked it away wanting to be happy.

The maid stopped in her tracks causing the double doors to be opened by the guards standing on post. Killian waited patiently, while I stood still with me jumping up and down on the inside. I gripped my brother's hand tightly before taking a few deep breaths. The maid started walking again once the doors opened, but I couldn't my excitement anymore so I released my grip on Killian and ran past the maid and into the throne room.

" Father! Mother! I'm back! ", I exclaimed happily.

But my excitement ended when I realized that the man sitting on the throne wasn't my father. I tilted my head in confusion and looked around hoping that my parents would show up, but they never did.

" You aren't my father. ", I said quietly.

" Nope. ", the man said before he gave me a fox smile.

" Why are you sitting on my father's throne then? ", I asked bitterly.

" Because I'm the king. ", he answered

" That's a lie! ", I accused him. " My father is the king, not some stranger. "

A deep chuckle was echoed through the throne room as a smirk was displayed on his face.

" I'm the new king of Ireland, sweetheart. " , he stated

Then I felt my world fall apart.

A/N: That was an intense chapter. Getting chills just by writing that chapter. Anyways, have a great day!

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