Chapter 40

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Rae's POV

" Peter! " , I exclaimed

He stopped whatever he was doing and turned his head to face me. His dark green eyes softened to his normal emerald eyes as he released his grip on Victor.

" Snowflake. " , he whispered softly.

I ran towards him and was welcomed by open arms. But I decided to jump on him and he surprisingly caught me as I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck.

" Are you okay? " , Peter asked softly.

I blinked a few times but my watery eyes betrayed me as tears streamed down my cheeks.

" No, I'm not. " , I croaked slightly.

I buried my face into his chest as my arms remained around his neck. He gently patted my back and whispered soothing words in my ear. I spilled out all of my emotions.

" Cute moment, but I would like to leave. " , Killian said annoyed.

" Agreed. " , Victor muttered before standing up again.

Peter kissed my forehead gently and placed me down as I wiped away my tears and took a couple of deep breaths before holding his hand.

" Rae, don't fall for his charm again. " , Killian warned me. " Remember that he was planning to kill me without you knowing. "

" That was a phony! " , Peter declared. " A misunderstanding. "

" And how so? " , my brother clicked his tongue.

" Because that paper that you received wasn't written by me.It was written by none other than the bastard. " , the green-eyed boy stated. " Victor was the one who set you up. He tricked all of us! "

" Liar. " , Killian sneared.

" If I wanted you dead, I would have done it already. " , I said in a bored tone.

My one-handed brother glared at Peter with crossed arms above his chest. Then his blue eyes turned towards Victor who just causally focused his attention on the hardwood floor.

" Teenage boys these days. " , he muttered.

I was shocked at Victor's slience and anger boiled in my blood. That bastard did set Peter and I up to the point where I was the one that broke his heart at the end because I blamed him for being a villian.

I grabbed Peter's dagger from his belt and angrily approached Victor. I grabbed him by the collar and pointed the dagger near his neck.

" It was YOU the entire time! You dare challenge Peter's leadership and then cause me to break up with the most amazing boy that I have ever met? And this was all because you wanted to get paid?! " , I shouted.

" It was an opportunity. " , Victor shrugged.

" Give me one good reason I should let you live. " , I gritted my teeth. " Because not only have you messed with Peter and Killian, but you messed with the wrong girl. "

" You have to admit that it was a clever scheme. " , Victor smirked.

My hand collided with his cheek as he groaned in pain while rubbing his cheek with a red handprint on it. His eyes glowed purple and I smacked him again.

" Stop it! " , Victor huffed.

" I could do so much worse. " , I sneared.

I was pulled away by a strong pair of arms and realized that it was my brother. I struggled against his grip and pouted as into being held back.

" I would like to get out of here so we will deal with him later! " , Killian said sternly.

I huffed before wiggling myself out of Killian's grip, but he held me back and wrapped an arm around my waist. I crossed my arms with a pouty face. Then I heard a chuckle coming from Peter as my cheeks turned red.

Killian snatched the dagger from my hand and threw it at Peter. I gasped before seeing Peter grab it easily with his fast reflexes and place it back in his belt. I blushed at Peter before admiring his muscles underneath his shirt

" Well, well, well. What do we have here? " , an evil chuckle spoke from behind.

Killian slowly moved away from the greedy king and stood next to Peter as he held me tightly with his arm wrapped around me. I leaned more against my brother's chest as fear crawled up on me.

" I thought I told you to leave. " , the man snarled at Victor.

" I am leaving, but not without them. " , he said sternly referring to Killian and I.

" Then I guess nobody is leaving. " , the king darkly chuckled before guards appeared out of nowhere and surrounded us.

Peter's eyes darkened before stepped forward. Victor moved aside from the wall and stood next to Killian and I with his arms crossed.

" And you are? " , the king asked.

" Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter...Peter Pan " , he smirked.

" are Pan? The one that I have heard about? " , the king questioned before laughing. " Nonsense, you are just a boy. "

" And you are just a greedy man. " , Peter fake smiled before his eyes glowed green.

The stranger who called himself king raised his eyebrow at Peter before seeing all of his guards collapse as Peter's shadow came out of nowhere and ripped away each guard's shadow before disappearing through the walls. Peter's eyes returned back to normal before his hand started to glow green and it raised in up in front of the king.

" Your turn. " , Peter said darkly.

I tried to escape from my brother's grip so I could stop Peter, but Killian just held me back even more.

" Stop it, pig. Don't go against, Pan. " , Killian scolded me.

Before I could even use my big mouth, the sound of a male scream was heard. I looked forward and gasped seeing the king's neck deeply injured and bloody. He took a few deep breaths before collapsing to the ground...dead.

When the king fell, Scott was revealed to be behind him with red eyes, fangs, and bloody claws. He kicked the king's dead body aside before he started to approach us slowly with a smile on his face.

" You are welcome. ", he grinned.

A/N: So many surprises in this chapter so stay tune for more :)

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